
Pay attention to the problem of winter driving Diagnostics OBD2 summary

Cold, a series of traffic safety issues  Diagnostics OBD2  attendant, especially for the new owners until this year to buy a car, they drive on the winter no deep understanding, may think the biggest difference of winter driving is so simple to open heater. Actually have a lot of security risks of winter driving, the need to attract our attention. The author summarizes the winter driving problems that may occur, and find some solutions, hope can help bring you. Of course, some friends living in the South without cold, the following are not all apply to you, but I think part of the situation, or will exist in the south.
1, winter hot car
Unless a hurry, I think most of the riders have a habit of winter hot car. But the hot car exactly how long it takes? Some people will feel hot car for a long time is better. In fact, this argument is not entirely correct, because for a long time hot car, may generate a lot of coke, and fuel consumption is also followed soar. In general, the hot car for less than two minutes, the water temperature reaches about 40 ℃. If there is no water table, open the air-conditioning temperature in the heater feelings, hot air is also the basic normal water temperature and oil temperature.
Started on the road to the period 
OBD II Diagnostic Code Reader of time (10 minutes) oil slowly to avoid hard acceleration driving manual transmission, the engine speed as far as possible be maintained at about 2000. Cool car oil is more viscous lubrication poorly slam on oil, the equivalent of the crankshaft and piston is Shenglayingzhuai very detrimental to the engine.
Of course, poor vehicle condition car started in the winter is more difficult, which is mainly caused by the poor due valve coke or battery work. If the car could not beat, you can try a few times, no more than five seconds each time the ignition time. Several attempts yet to fruit, to pause and will try to avoid injury to the battery. Repeatedly unsuccessful, we should contact the nearest repair shop or 4S shop.
2, to ensure a good line of sight
Adequate light security risks, such 
obd2 scanner  as the winter light refraction angle, according to the road, there are very serious reflection phenomenon. In the face of this phenomenon can not be avoided, the best way is to bring sunglasses. So winter is equally necessary to put a sunglasses in the car.

