
Modified uobd2 cars will be divided into three categories handling

Vehicular traffic safety hazards in order to exclude uobd2modified car involved in licensing involving certificates, forming the "governance soared high pressure situation, and the early morning of the 16th, the entire police force of the Shenzhen traffic police deployed in the city to carry out unified action for" dig nest "of illegal modification, involving brand card involved, a number of illegal untreated, robbery, assembly, involving, scrap vehicle inventory the 68 illegal modification of vehicles is being investigated. The cause modified car owners a great rebound after the publication of the information, hot matter throughout the weekend.
The refit players "modified guilty" does not agree with the traffic police strike hard modified car. Shenzhen traffic police respond in a timely manner, said traffic police department did not illegally modified cars drag racing equated modified cars will be divided into three types of situations to deal with.
Modification is not the same as drag racing
The day before the action to "dig nest, Shenzhen traffic police governance drag racing action, again caused Shenzhen the refit owners of a questioned, Sina microblogging users" @ Zhang Zi Feng __sunny ", commented microblogging Shenzhen traffic police official said:" modification without sin, modification is fun, modifications on drag racing? Does the original car drag racing you can not? "
Shenzhen traffic police respond in a timely manner: 'governance whirlwind' actions carried out by the traffic police department, is not illegal modification of vehicles and drag racing equated. "
Shenzhen traffic police said, According to the information at its disposal, the majority of drag racing vehicles and illegal modification of behavior, destruction of the appearance features and technical data of the vehicle 
eobd2  registration, belongs to the laws and regulations prohibited behavior.
"Modification industry will be caught."
Combined June 5th Shenzhen traffic police had issued regulations and the interpretation of are all illegal modification, repair the factory shop modified vehicles power, exhaust, lighting and other signaling devices, will be held liable and subject to economic penalties.
Industry analysis, which means that the modified car industry, some of the most common retrofit projects, such as the replacement of non-original exhaust pipe, brake discs and brake calipers, and increase engine turbine, are suspected of violating the law, and then coupled with the previous requirements will be allowed to change the vehicles appearance features, basically the vast majority of car modification industry projects will not be able to continue operating situation is bound to be no small impact.
Zhang Yi Zhe, executive editor of the Professional Car & Driver "Procar issued a document yesterday that the bikers should be modified rational, safe driving, so personalized the vehicles attitude and car culture of health  
Diagnostics OBD2  communication and development, traffic police should be strictly in accordance with law enforcement, and the entire modification industry should jointly promote the development of the industry, modified this gray area as soon as possible towards formal.

