
Ten things should note-automotive wash

Whether you go to a car wash car wash or do-it-yourself car wash, must understand the requirements of the car wash. Ten bogey car wash, you pay attention to it?
A bogey engine completely cool down on the http://www.obd2center.fr/ end of the car wash. This will make the engine from premature aging.
Second, to avoid the car wash in the hot sun. This legacy dried drops of water traces in the body of the vehicle.
Third, avoid car wash in very cold weather. Once the water freezes will cause the paint coating rupture.
Fourth, avoid the use of water other than the water softener cleaning, including hot water, lye and water hardness. Because these substances will damage the paint. With hard water cleaning, will leave marks on the body surface and the film after drying.
Fifth, avoid using high-pressure water rinse body. The water pressure is too large, will damage the body paint. Such as the case of the car body hard Dustwallow first water infiltration, and then rinse with water. Application dispersed water injection.
Sixth, avoid chaos and detergent. Not allowed to use the washing powder, scouring powder and poor quality soap when cleaning. Because these detergents containing an alkali, it may be to wash the paint grease accelerate paint aging. General car wash without detergent.
Avoid chaos rub. Rinse with water, a lot of people like to rub; wipe there are two main problems: the rags the unqualified and wipe method wrong. To wipe, the Cabu should use a soft cloth or a soft, clean sponge. Smear should be along the direction of flow, from top to bottom and gently wipe not circled or transverse smear.

VIII avoid indiscriminate use of  http://www.obd2center.fr/produits-en-solde  detergents. The body of the vehicle may be corrosive stains, such as asphalt, grease, birds, insects, fecal stains more difficult to clean must method adversary. Clean body grease sponge gently wipe dipped in a little kerosene or gasoline, then grazed place marked with polishing paste to make it shiny as ever. Dead insects and other animal and plant sap the body of the vehicle should be soaked with soap and water; cleaning and sponge soaking. Steering wheel, lighting, type of material and rubber pieces on the grease, gasoline, detergent and thinner to clean only with ordinary soap and water can not be used.
IX avoid chaos with hard cleaning tool to clear dirt. Plastic brush, blade to scrape the stains, this is very easy to damage the paint.
10, hanged piles of oil dirty hands touch the body surface, or the tool of oil-containing organic solvents, rags placed in the body of the vehicle, so easy in the finish leaving prints or paint premature fading.

