
New car need to be cautious about antivirus

The sun in the sky, and the intolerable heat. Car owners to withstand the hot sun exposure when the car starts, the high temperature release of a new or used car odor and harmful substances formaldehyde and benzene can not be ignored. The car is less than 3 cubic meters of space, difficult to volatilize the harmful gases, combined with human emissions of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases, in dirty air for a long time, can easily lead to dizziness, headache, nausea. Summer, the car in addition to drug deodorant is imperative!
New car antivirus most need to be cautious
When you open the door of the car and found the smell Chongbi, no doubt, toxic gases of the car certainly has exceeded, which is most common in the new car.
C major flavor! "Ms Lau recently ready to buy a new car about 80,000 yuan, compared to many models finally locked car in mind. But wait until she mentioned the car, the new car is opened, the sense of taste is really smell. However, the sales staff told her, because it is a new car, these taste normal, multi-window, regular clean car in addition to taste, over a period of time to turn away.
As everyone knows, these unpleasant odor is actually a "toxic substances" threaten the health of the signal, such as formaldehyde, benzene and other pollutants as well as the car PVC and other plastic materials, including chlorine is causing serious harm to human health, some even more than arsenic. also toxic.
The new car smell species is one of the problems that plagued many owners. Finally have their own car, certainly like driving to play, but like so hot now a days, are generally very few windows closed in the car, on the body of the poison can be imagined. Currently, the "new car smell" complaints of luxury cars on the market are usually less, while the middle and low models more complaints, particularly in the majority of the local brand models.
Old car smell should not be ignored
Most people have a misunderstanding, that vehicles used for a long time, naturally row over poison gas, used cars do not have to worry about poison gas against. However, some cars even with more than three years, the taste is still very thick.
Mr. Zhou in 2008 to buy an Excelle, did not think more than three years, every time a friend on the bus, or would say, the car smacks too much of very smelly, especially the summer car under the sun after he made very embarrassing. Chow lamented, new car flavor that makes sense, but now so do not know that there are no toxic.
As Chow troubled "odor" problem is still plagued by many of the old owners. According to the reporter, the auto companies to control costs, plus anything up, only car prices drop, thus forcing manufacturers paid great attention to the prices in the procurement of automotive materials, some poor-quality materials manufactured goods into the car, that may arise in the sitting chair leather, plastic case of car audio anywhere. No matter how many years, the poison gas still exists, and with the material aging and other issues, the release of toxic gas less than a new car.
It is reported that due to car pollution caused by automotive materials in addition to the known substances such as formaldehyde, benzene, bromine, chlorine, lead and heavy metals and other toxic chemical materials, these materials related to human health and similar allergies, breathing difficulties, memory loss, damage to the liver and cause white blood and cancer.
Except drug deodorant new method
1 Photocatalyst
Introduction: very popular in the early years of the photocatalyst, 4S stores will be suggested that the new owners do such packages, but mostly Bluff, this method is more suitable for a new car in addition to formaldehyde, but can only work within six months or even a month , and it focuses on the odor, it is difficult to play a bactericidal effect. Currently, the market has called Daylight environmental photocatalyst is settled in Guangzhou, the use of anti-virus "NIKKOCOAT" international high-end air purification products, adhesion area, aircraft in Japan, high-speed rail or bus daylight photocatalyst processing, may waive the five-year sterilization treatment. Daylight photocatalyst can long-term self-loop governance air inside the car, usually sterilization, get rid of smoke, odor, longer shelf-life than ordinary photocatalyst is more popular in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai area.
Price: the ordinary beauty shop and 4S shop charges quite different, the former generally two or three hundred dollars to 4S stores will charge 700 yuan to a thousand. Daylight photocatalyst expensive, highest need more than 3000 yuan.
2 high temperature steam sterilization
Introduction: this method for disinfection of the car interior steam high temperature, 130 ℃, therefore, can be disinfected for car seats, door trim, dashboard, air conditioning vents, carpets etc., basically you can clear the car within the odor, also put an end to the breeding of bacteria, mites. Note, however, this method is a disposable sterilization method, to keep the time only a few months, and prone to aging electrical, instrumentation and plastic parts, and therefore should not be frequently used.
Price: If you choose to, time charges in the 150-300 per month in car beauty shop.
3 Use Air Purifier
Introduction: installed in the car air purifier, car smoke, mildew, human body odor can be removed, the air pollution in Guangzhou City, this air purifier machine, a couple of months we should dismantle the filter inside The net water for cleaning time.
Price: according to the different functions of the various types of air purifiers on the market, the consumer cost from a few hundred dollars to the thousand dollars.
Some simple and easy method of operation
"Vinegar" therapy
Material: a small bucket of water, some vinegar: do not drive when the vinegar is added to the water, into the car.
Role: the water can absorb formaldehyde, vinegar can play a stabilizing role of formaldehyde. Applied to eliminate the smell of a new car.
Evaluation: This method is simple, environmentally friendly and save money, but need to use in the car.
Charcoal adsorption Dafa
Materials: charcoal or activated carbon method: put charcoal into the car any position available. Role: charcoal or activated carbon adsorption odor, Evaluation: This method is simple and practical, to market to buy a few packs of charcoal or activated carbon. This charcoal and activated carbon is effective, but only for close smell play adsorption can play better to consumers unless are placed in various locations in the car before. Generally should be replaced every three months or so.
Coincidentally go with air conditioning odor type
1 into the compartment before the first windows open ventilation, at the same time to open the outer loop, to be the car heat discharged after air conditioning. In some cases air conditioning is turned on, the smell from the air conditioning vent, you can open the outer loop to remove the odor.
Air conditioning, hot air drying method in addition to smell, while the use of air conditioning cycle air flushing air conditioning evaporator side hot air drying with air conditioning, so you can achieve the purpose in addition to smell. Circulating airflow flushing evaporator must use the air conditioning inside the loop, deodorant spray into the vehicle inlet at deodorant for cleaning around with the air flow into the evaporator.

