
Seven reasons to let a woman completely fall in love with the car

Woman encountered a car when the woman began to fall in love with the car, in fact, may be only a fleeting, perhaps just a little beautiful, she will not hesitate to strike it, and began her story with it. It is used, then what captured her heart? Please look at the film.■ a large enough basketWhen you come out from the supermarket again and again, carrying bags of stuff, streaming with sweat to catch the bus when the heart want what? - Their own cars, obediently stopped at shoppingmall door, you can be chic "shopping" to something entered pendulum elegant drove home, this satisfaction is a woman's greatest temptation.■ a mobile dressing roomOverslept up late? To work late? Lens in movies, mouth to bite a piece of bread, while wearing the jacket walked to the car side, a red light at traffic light junctions, while the side facing the mirror mascara, wiping lip gloss. To the company when everything was settled, look at the table on time! Finally, take a look at the rear car mirror, no problem! Looked up, I was so cool!■ a most comfortable concert hallPut the songs they want to hear, to listen to their favorite radio stations, do own music DJ. Do not like sitting on the bus on the way, had to listen to the drivers over and over to put the 2002 snow ...... jazz or slow roll or mood every day and every moment to pick music. The walk along the road, there is a little bumpy rhythm, seems to be comfortable in a concert hall, carefree, happy indeed.■ A man can rely onSeen "Ashes of Time" will certainly remember Carina Lau stroked her horse in the pool water that lens, fine mind can see why Wong Kar-wai to such a long period of lens to a woman and a horse, no man woman and stayed with her beloved horse together, just like love. Is true for cars, the car is the most assured woman's dependence, is a never betrayed lover, although occasionally stir temper, broke down halfway, suddenly turn off, but never like Ungrateful man dropped the woman No matter, the total quietly in the rain with you.■ as expensive toysWhy I asked a woman like "Beetle" or "Toyota, there are so many people will blurt out" of course, is the Beetle? Very simple woman improper car of the car, just like the men do not put clothes When clothes. The concept of the car in the eyes of a woman is not so much a means of transport, it is better to say that one can also play on the road fashion toys. Big, a bit expensive, but definitely like a plush doll woman heart, put it down!■ a woman moving boudoirIt seems a lot of women, car make life full of poetic, so put the car to his home to cherish. They will spend a lot of time and effort, and the purchase of some of their favorite car accessories, furnishings, inside dressed increasingly highlight the color of hedonism. You can make a comparison very easy to find that the woman's car and the man's car is not the same: the woman absolutely put a lot of men killed are not thought to stuff all moved his car on the car. The woman had a car, it will start to "move": put the same tomorrow, and recapture the same, the passage of time, the original stay boudoir stuff all transfer or copy and paste into the car to go.■ a capital raise their social statusWith the cars woman always willing communicative than a woman without a car, something all right to make a phone call should be to the students, friends to see the side ". Order to fully display the honor of their car. And, with the car of the woman at the party always deliberately was a few minutes late to stop the car in full view, then dashing out of the car to go down to meet their own vanity. Of course, this vanity for two aspects: one is a woman feel before fiddling with the car only men who can operate reflects the capacity and raise the status of the women to prove that they are certainly worth "those who have owned not passbook Lu posters, Hyun will simply buy a car to everyone on the street to see.Happy StationBay-type man let the woman heart and carThe planet is very big, there are too many beautiful, mysterious scenery hiding in the far corner, you may never have can not go to these places, but you have to know the similarities between them with a car, and people.Landscape types: the Gulf --- sustained-release storms, wandering heart heal tired"The Gulf type" man: to have the the Gulf generally broad mind, we must go through the baptism of time. Withstand endless tribulations and trials, the men will understand what "mind", what is "inclusive", what is "reliable". This man looks very calm, and to communicate with them will make you feel good, but you know, this calm behind must be experienced too much does not calm."The Gulf type" car: Almost every woman want such a haven, but this haven only belong to her alone. Both the appearance and performance, it gives the feeling of all - reliable. Sitting in this car, you probably will not feel a strong stimulus, but definitely does not lack a sense of security.

