
How much do you know about car modification

Modified cars often appear on the screen and the screen so many private car owners amazing, cool, flashy modified car occasionally see in everyday life. The modified car seems to be a way to play it cool in the eyes of ordinary people, in fact, not. Today we'll talk about the the modified secret that you do not know.Reporter: a reference to the modified car, a lot of people will think this is a car enthusiast patented the modified car, in your opinion, why is there such a magic?Not satisfied with the car is the main reason for the existence of modified cars, each car is impossible to be perfect in all respects. Especially for young people, the pursuit of individuality through modification to create their own unique models, on behalf of the taste of the owner and his driving.The owners modified in the first place, some people pursuit looks good personality, in order to allow some traffic safety, while others in order to enhance the speed, performance modifications. Specifically, the modified cars divided into three categories:
First, change the appearance. Including the paste body color change vehicle surrounded by large, change the exhaust pipe, plus luggage rack, plus tail, it can be said, the automotive appearance modification is the most basic, but also most suitable for all ages;
The second is to change the momentum. In contrast, at the age of about four or five years old owners pay more attention to the pursuit of quality, they attach great importance to enhance vehicle safety, better upgrade tire rims to be more solid, more brake system sensitive, the seats more comfortable, everything revolves around the security upgrade initiated;
The third is to change the sound. Young people are the main force in the market of car audio conversion, they hope that the car sound more explosive. Contrast, middle-aged owners through the configuration of high-quality sound, look forward to enjoy music better effect, is the main force in the market of high-end car audio conversion.
Different models, refit the price is also different, ranging from twelve thousand to twenty or thirty million. Middle and low vehicle modifications such as a ten to twenty million, and its modification cost as little as four or five thousand, as many as twelve million. If it is converted to a four or five million in luxury cars, spend the natural higher, installed a stereo to spend three to four million can be considered commonplace.

Speaking of modified cars, a lot of people will think "drag racing", in fact, these are modified rowdy modification method popular in the early 90s of the last century, the non-standard market, in fact, modified cars for illegal drag racing. Modified car with the car culture and the introduction of modified culture and localization in various Automobile Association, tuner and refit club joint efforts, and gradually formed a unique modification culture.
Modification advocated by no means illegal drag racing, or the thrill of the pursuit of speed on public roads, contrary modified car pursuit is better than the original car's performance improvement. Modification is adapted according to user demand, as some people want to own car into a mobile sound room to enjoy, and if some users modified braking system, the braking ability of the vehicle can increase some user modified tail can increase the vehicle's high-speed stability, increased anti-roll bars, tic-tac-toe frame Some users can improve body rigidity, in order to increase the safety of vehicles. Illegal drag racing, modified car original car on public roads, regardless of themselves and the safety of the lives of others are illegal drag racing, but is extremely unethical, and it was truly converted fans spurned by an act.


Ten things should note-automotive wash

Whether you go to a car wash car wash or do-it-yourself car wash, must understand the requirements of the car wash. Ten bogey car wash, you pay attention to it?
A bogey engine completely cool down on the http://www.obd2center.fr/ end of the car wash. This will make the engine from premature aging.
Second, to avoid the car wash in the hot sun. This legacy dried drops of water traces in the body of the vehicle.
Third, avoid car wash in very cold weather. Once the water freezes will cause the paint coating rupture.
Fourth, avoid the use of water other than the water softener cleaning, including hot water, lye and water hardness. Because these substances will damage the paint. With hard water cleaning, will leave marks on the body surface and the film after drying.
Fifth, avoid using high-pressure water rinse body. The water pressure is too large, will damage the body paint. Such as the case of the car body hard Dustwallow first water infiltration, and then rinse with water. Application dispersed water injection.
Sixth, avoid chaos and detergent. Not allowed to use the washing powder, scouring powder and poor quality soap when cleaning. Because these detergents containing an alkali, it may be to wash the paint grease accelerate paint aging. General car wash without detergent.
Avoid chaos rub. Rinse with water, a lot of people like to rub; wipe there are two main problems: the rags the unqualified and wipe method wrong. To wipe, the Cabu should use a soft cloth or a soft, clean sponge. Smear should be along the direction of flow, from top to bottom and gently wipe not circled or transverse smear.

VIII avoid indiscriminate use of  http://www.obd2center.fr/produits-en-solde  detergents. The body of the vehicle may be corrosive stains, such as asphalt, grease, birds, insects, fecal stains more difficult to clean must method adversary. Clean body grease sponge gently wipe dipped in a little kerosene or gasoline, then grazed place marked with polishing paste to make it shiny as ever. Dead insects and other animal and plant sap the body of the vehicle should be soaked with soap and water; cleaning and sponge soaking. Steering wheel, lighting, type of material and rubber pieces on the grease, gasoline, detergent and thinner to clean only with ordinary soap and water can not be used.
IX avoid chaos with hard cleaning tool to clear dirt. Plastic brush, blade to scrape the stains, this is very easy to damage the paint.
10, hanged piles of oil dirty hands touch the body surface, or the tool of oil-containing organic solvents, rags placed in the body of the vehicle, so easy in the finish leaving prints or paint premature fading.

Teach you care your car obd2 scanner in in cold weather

As winter temperatures drop, people summer water acts as a coolant, this obd2 scanner  move absolutely infeasible still use tap water as a cooling medium, with night temperatures drop, the water will freeze expansion, even Donglie the tank, destroy cooling system work properly, so in the winter needs in the water tank the appropriate antifreeze to ensure the normal operation of the cooling system.
Check the battery and battery cable condition
Do not think the circuit aging appear only in the hot summer months, any battery energy will decline in a cold climate. Therefore, to ensure that the battery maintain adequate power to ensure that the engine normally start in the winter.
Winter obd2 scanner maintenance should pay attention to the details of what it? First, before the implementation of the inspection must stop put out the engine and turn off all ancillary equipment, first disassemble the grounding line, the installation of the inspection is completed, and finally connect the grounding line. Inspection, first look at the battery for corrosion. If the battery has corrosion, can be used to clean warm soda. Then coated with grease, external battery pile head to prevent further corrode. In addition, check the trailer coupling is loose, if loose, tighten each fixing nut, but do not lock tight. Finally, do not neglect the small details, check the clips is loose, if this phenomenon, the locking retaining clip, battery fixation can. Remember not too tight, otherwise it may damage the battery casing.
Replacement of suitable viscosity oil
Winter engine also residual oil in summer, in winter produce is difficult to start, so should replace it with a slightly lower viscosity oil in winter, to ensure that the engine is operating normally.
Winter tire maintenance attention points
In the cold winter, the tire rubber will harden than other quarter, even if a lot of the car with all-season tires, but the frozen slippery road surface will be formed on the tire grip test. Therefore, winter tire maintenance has become a top priority in all maintenance.
The first thing to note is the tire pressure, the majority of obd2 scanner owners in the summer always paid great attention to tire pressure to avoid tire failure, in fact, the winter should be concerned about tire pressure. However, it is important to note that tire pressure will change with temperature changes in winter, tire pressure should be measured in the car ran a period of time to be tire cooling measurements, and the best state at room temperature. Note also that the tire tread Second, many owners prefer to replace the tire into a lower flat rate limited capabilities, under normal circumstances, limited capabilities to provide greater grip, better handling car, but if the snow and ice under slippery driving environment, rely on patterns to produce more friction, and this time the narrow tires will be stronger than the limited capabilities. Owners driving in snow and ice environments, should pay attention to the tire tread wear.



Peugeot 408 power upgrade installation of sbb key programmer acceleration

Romantic nature of the Frenchman, but it would be wrong if you think that the French car features romantic French car really is the precise control and solid control. Peugeot 408 French cars as a naturally covered by these features. At present, the electronic throttle is widely used in the new generation of cars. Electronic throttle passed through the electronic signal of the angle of the accelerator pedal, and then the engine management unit to control the intake throttle signal components to achieve the speed of the engine. Therefore cause some delay due to the need to convert electronic signals.

So, we can by installing electronic throttle accelerator, improve throttle response sensitivity to achieve Peugeot 408 uncontrollable acceleration through the circuit, when the system finds the driver accelerated willingness to drive the throttle open as soon as possible, so that makes the  
Throttle the sensitivity of the response has been improved.
Electronic throttle accelerator installation is quite simple, it does not require removal of any mechanical part of the car, do not need to install any mechanical, just need to disconnect the throttle plug, while connected to the electronic throttle accelerator, and then plug back the throttle socket can the entire conversion process will not be more than thirty minutes.

Camus thinking electronic throttle accelerator can be set to "Enable" or "off" acceleration. For example, when the traffic is better to open the acceleration mode Biao car; poor road conditions, rainy weather, icy roads in winter, you can turn off the acceleration mode, safe driving. Also the implementation of several major features: a state of half-speed and full acceleration by the original car pedals.

Half-speed for the day-to-day car, you can improve the speed and to maintain safe driving. Full acceleration for racing, the car accelerated sharp, quick reaction. Peugeot 408 after the to install electronic throttle accelerator more agile.

The EMU Diagnostics OBD2 smoothly listed on the new road

Whole new generation of Chevrolet Beijing Modern Lang dynamic, not only has a cool look, luxurious configuration, comprehensive protection, wide suitable space, ample power, to lead a mid-size car trend, give owners unlimited surprises to enjoy, and for August grand listed No. 23, to carry out the great power of the network Carnival and to challenge themselves to achieve the impossible "as the theme of a rich variety of prizes activities, attracted hundreds of people competing to participate.
Long-moving fluid modeling, and preferences of Chinese consumers, especially the chrome front air grille, the whole car very dynamic impact, precisely because Lang automatically want to become the clear market objectives of the A-Class leader, destined upcoming The Long move would allow more young, stylish users like it and buy it. Road Cheong technology is based on the Long moving young, stylish, vibrant, there is expected to hundreds of thousands or even more than one million consumer groups in the country, the finely developed multiple simulations, trial and error, Modern Long moving car launched special special vehicle powerful utility to meet the needs of the majority of owners. 

Lu Chang Long moving car navigation, follow the basic car machine function application basis, with emphasis on the needs of the majority of owners led with special emphasis on the practical degree, operability. Cikuan special vehicle using the framework of SIRFIII PRIMA ARM11 CPU clocked at 600MHZ plus 300MHZDSP, operate more smoothly. External 4G SD card, supports 16GB USB storage space, 32GB SD card and hard disk expansion. Entire design combined with the fluid dynamic characteristics of the original car, giving car owners a sense of perfect control. The latest Kay Rucker 3D navigation, the lines are clearer, more realistic photo navigation. In addition to the main navigation features, this car machine supports Word, Excel, Power point, PDF and other office software in the machine, U disk storage and copy between SD cards three to some extent instead of a flat-panel, a real convenience of car body. 
Long EMU machine keep the style of the original car based on the application richer and subtle to see fine, the new upgraded iBooK platform with the original car perfect match, so driving will never be able to explore new joy, feel the car 3G era, enjoy the driving pleasure new experience Zhaopin people and vehicles perfect life! owners in driving the process can also fully enjoy the one million online music, online MV, video, film, opera, FLASH show, network television and radio. Pure sound quality, perfect screen, breaking geographical restrictions, without time binding, the owners and the passenger can fully enjoy the faded-car audio-visual feast, and I feel more relaxed, while waiting, or spare time to a period, after all, a different kind fun.Lu Chang Lang dynamic special vehicle to meet the general needs of the majority of owners, fully reflects the actual value of the vehicle navigation, all enjoy Lang dynamic situation, will walk boundless!


Some views of modified xenon Diagnostics OBD2 headlights

In Europe, the law does not allow such a  Diagnostics OBD2 change of xenon bulbs, not-for-assembly conversion, the many domestic deadline modified product sales, in fact, is drilled for legal loopholes. The law expressly provides that in Europe, the cars equipped with Xenon headlights with lens, the light was no divergence in the way until the other party to the eyes of car drivers. Note the double B, Audi, PST V6 headlight assembly (Of course, some low-end models not equipped with xenon headlights), which has a like a fish-eye lens, which is used to concentrating with . Night car lights hit against the wall, lamp assembly equipped with a lens, and can clearly see on the wall a shade dividing line (out of the light can see the color level, wait a minute talks this point), this is used to protect the opposite to the car driver's eyes. Therefore, the assembly of the vehicles equipped with factory HID looks bright, but not dazzling. Therefore, some students think xenon headlights will certainly be bright and the glare of the idea is completely wrong, in fact, the original xenon headlights, not as good as the traditional halogen lamp is more dazzling, but the effect did not know better on several times.So, if your car headlight assembly with lens, that I think is best not to go and change xenon headlights, condenser can not play the role of the traditional halogen lamp shade completely out light must diverge. Some cars, such as the six horses, Modern Cool, Sang 3k A4 Standard Edition, although they are also equipped with halogen lamps, but because the assembly Lidai the lens, so the modification effect is relatively good, of course, still need technicians tuning the condenser focal length of what is very complex, because of the different tube length and halogen xenon headlights. Xenon lamp assembly lens and the halogen lamp lens or not, the real work xenon headlight lenses (such as German cars with Hella and Bosch assembly), in addition to the good performance of the condenser, the color transformation also quite beautiful, with the road and downs, a distance, the color will flash purple and blue, look at the past and daylight color temperature of white light.Some cars, absolutely can not change xenon headlights, is the car with a the distance light one H4 light assembly. Such as Polaris, QQ, Vios and so on. Such vehicles have changed out light scattered mess, you open beam lights opposite the driver that you are open to high beam. GOLF POLO H7 light assembly fairly better, but advisable not change.European law also requires the xenon headlights must own headlight cleaning assembly, because outside lampshade clean lens condenser prone to problems. Imposed no headlight cleaning equipment in North America, it seems, so we see a lot of the U.S. version of the car, even with xenon headlights, nor with cleaning equipment.Third talk about color temperature. Many students feel that the higher the temperature, the better, in fact, this is completely wrong. Almost all the original xenon headlights color temperature are only 4000k succeed, because the higher the temperature, the more blue color, but have sent penetration, especially in rain and fog days. It is well understood that, just as there are few street lights color blue. Color temperature and brightness does not matter, the brightness just lumens value kind 8000k, even scary blue over 10,000 k Xenon headlamps, it can only fool do not understand cars, only the pursuit of Hyun owners. Maybe some students will be asked, xenon headlights BMW Benz looks very blue thing, and sometimes even purple, the color temperature of 4000k unable to pronounce the color. As I said before, that is actually because the lens relationship, factory xenon headlights pretty blue and purple rely on high-quality lens transform, do not rely on high color temperature.Finally, talk about the a modified high beam. Some students want xenon high beam changed. You want, xenon headlights open the moment there is a delay, high beam into a xenon flash do light signal to die, the delay does not say, multi-flash absolute xenon the lamp ballast injury great. High quality ballast may also be able to change the high beam a used (but also need to preheat What's annoying), Korea's domestic, flash on time Ballast finished. In addition, some H4 the lampshades's car through a switch to low beam xenon headlights projected into the high beam, concrete is not very clear. High Diagnostics OBD2 beam how to solve, my suggestion is that you make more money to buy a high-end luxury cars, many luxury car assembly ground xenon headlights are bi-xenon, bi-xenon headlights from literally , but in fact, this type of vehicle is much light or halogen, designed to flash when high beam is turned, the low beam lamp will automatically raise a point of view, the auxiliary high beam lighting, brightness substantial. Sometimes at night we will see some unscrupulous like driving a luxury car high beam, drove up in front of you when absolutely a loss, which is actually a powerful bi-xenon!This is my view xenon headlights converted professionals more correction.

Four of the obd2 scanner power performance modifications

In fact, car modification there is no obd2 scanner  fixed pattern, as long as it can go and change according to their own imagination to go and eat it. Modified car is a culture, a spirit, a kind of enjoyment, is also a strange understanding of the car. In the conversion process, the owner will be able to understand the basic performance of the car, to grasp more knowledge of cars and engines. Car modification constrained by three factors: the economic strength of the owners, the supply of modified parts and automotive annual appraisal system. Many people have started working on the car fitted with the new tricks, but the domestic still fresh operating professional conversion. Too specialized modification means that the high-cost, small-market, low adaptability.Modified car in two ways: to wear new clothes law and Phi sheepskin. Many nice sign posted in the body, so that cars such as the new fashion wear eye-catching, "The Emperor's New Clothes," a "wolf dressed in sheep's clothing" converted; still popular, the car's engine , driving performance improvements, and the appearance that does not move. Once encountered the same type of car, and immediately showed different performance.Modified wolf dressed in sheep following four modified way:1. Large flow air filterThe engine air filter air is needed in order to filter the engine running on gasoline engines have this device installed in the original car air filter seems to be in play car seem into the gas shortage suspected. So, play car modified intake system of practice.Many people think that the large flow air filter, high-speed operation of the engine intake air quantity is different, in fact, this argument is not very accurate. Because the size of the intake air will not change because of the modification of the air intake device, as long as the engine displacement does not change, into the open-mindedness is not going to change, unless the use of the turbocharger. The principle is that the engine using a vacuum subpressure to let outside air enters inside the cylinder, but because the air is passed through the filter after entering the cylinder, so the resistance so that the air can not be completely the same pressure of the outside world into, and because the air is inertia, So the the converted air filter is a very critical step. Modified with the actual test, the engine at high speeds, the power increase, the engine is running smoothly, speed feeling good.Professional guidesInstall flow air filter to try to stay away from the engine. Of the temperature of the air entering the engine as low as possible, only the low temperature to the high density; same time, the oxygen content will be increased slightly.If the engine is no suitable space around the installation can be separated from the engine and filter separator.Ordinary modified air filter for models at different prices vary between 350-800 yuan float. 10,000 km to 30,000 km need to clean or replace, maintenance, replacement cheap.
2. The modification of the exhaust systemModified intake system, exhaust system should be further changes. Currently popular will be exhaust pipe Endian changed the direct exhaust mode. From behind a thick exhaust port, you can see and feel the vehicle power seems. If the front and middle of the exhaust system are changed, it would need professionals to do. May affect because the exhaust is too smooth torque at low engine speed; changing the front-end and middle of the exhaust pipe, you should pay attention to the technical content and the actual test.There are a two-tone vertical barrels daily use can be installed on a muffler, almost no modification. Play the car, remove the silencer device, you can release the noise.Professional guidesThis change increased the engine power to change not just the pursuit of a just sound effects. Straight row of barrels of different brands, different sound. The best selection of the kind of acceleration larger release of melodious voices, small voice steady speed when driving straight rows of barrels. Or driving a vehicle for a long time, the driver will feel tired and irritable.Different origin and vehicles, the price difference between the basic price of 900-2000 yuan.
3. The change of the engine ignition systemAnother popular modification options, the the engine ignition high-voltage lines, and spark plug replacement refit dedicated Model. In order not to interfere with other vehicle electrical equipment, general Ignition Cable manufacture artificially improve line resistance. Car audio, car computer will not affect their work because of the high pressure to interfere, the day-to-day driving a sense of security. However, this design also part of the high-voltage ignition energy consumed.In order to improve the engine ignition energy, parts manufacturers designed modified to provide a high-energy high-voltage ignition. Such a high-voltage ignition lower than ordinary high-voltage ignition resistance ignition power through good; the line body shell is made of high-tech materials in order to overcome the impact of other equipment, shielding, good-looking appearance, improved durability; multi-cores core system, to ensure that the line unimpeded.Modified using a professional high-voltage ignition spark plug. Markets are more popular in Japan the NGK and Taiwan products, these spark plug ignition positive needle-like, can improve ignition energy. The spark plug to be able to withstand a high temperature of 2000 ° C or above, laser welding technology also allows the discharge point of the spark plug is more precise use of noble metal materials such as platinum, iridium.Professional guidesModified on the market with high-voltage ignition can choose a lot of models and brands. Recommended NGK products of high-end, fine and good-looking appearance, quality, sophisticated technology, the basic price of 1,500 yuan, the price is high; the popularity of spark plugs can select the 9-cell low-resistance high-voltage ignition Taiwan, 800-1200 yuan set , the price is relatively cheap, with good results. There is little known, the general effect of the use of modified ignition, the price of 400-500 yuan. Purchase, pay special attention to the instructions on the packaging of the product performance parameters.
4. Improvement of the fuel pressure obd2 scanner
, control valveMulti-point EFI engine popularity of modifications to bring the convenience and benefits.Fuel booster EFI engine power upgrade configuration. In the engine fuel supply system, a fixed non-adjustable device - the fuel pressure regulator. OEMs will be set at 2.0 ~ 2.5KG/CM, the gasoline tank fuel pump output pressure is generally more than 5KG/CM. Therefore, in the fuel pressure regulator is not adjustable after the installation of a regulator can be adjusted, and the fuel pressure is increased to 3.0 ~ 3.7KG/CM becomes possible. After installation, the unit of time increase the amount of oil injector; increasing pressure, better fuel injectors that spray gasoline atomization and more complete combustion. Almost all the retrofit fuel booster engine, owners are able to feel the improvement of vehicle power.


Choose the right perfume driving Autocom

With the widespread use of the automobile,  Autocom perfume strode into our driving life. Car perfume a direct impact on the mood and safety of motorists, especially important to choose the right car perfume.Market car perfume should be liquid-type car perfume, solid car perfume and aerosol car perfume three. More common liquid-type car perfume, liquid-type car perfume flavors and volatile solvent mixture concentrated than solid car perfume scent, long duration, distribution of slow, in full bloom in a variety of artistic shape container, liquid car perfume available 2-3 months.Car perfume can keep the car clean air, remove car smell, kill bacteria, play a role in purifying the air. Favor the safety of drivers and driving, it can create a small interior space Qingxin, pleasant atmosphere, driving personnel to keep a clear head and calm, which can reduce the incidence of traffic accidents, add car Yaqu. Many car perfume modeling are quite lovely, in addition to flavor, good upholstery small pieces, active atmosphere inside the car, to enhance driving pleasure.Car perfume and perfume have one thing in common, is that you can remove the odor, but compared the characteristics of the car perfume especially to eliminate car smell, make the journey more fresh air. To distribute its flavor is faint, unlike so intense perfume. Pick a better car perfume calming useful for traffic safety, such as the refreshing scent of herbs, Ning amber fragrance of mint flavor, fruit flavor sweet scent of flowers can relax more.Car perfume are generally required to fragrance shop to buy, do not buy you directly to the kind of smell, car perfume Highlights taste has been sprayed on the fur or paper to determine the needs of the flavor. If you are a private car owners, recommend the orange flavor of the perfume, the perfume can be refreshing.Car incense products either to eliminate odors, some order for the brain awake, and in some cases in order to keep the mood pleasant. If you would like to remind motorists driving to maintain a balanced state of mind, the calming may wish to pick a flavor, cool herb flavor, pleasant scent of cologne, mint flavor, fruit flavor, sweet scent of flowers These taste can make refreshing.Car perfume, domestic and imported products, there is still a considerable distance, both in price there is a great difference, buy a nice imported Hong seat general should hundred and eighty, and buy simple products as long as a domestic production of more than ten million. Even if it is imported, the price three or four hundred dollars, tens of dollars. Therefore, some unscrupulous businessmen wantonly manufacture of cheap perfume, deceive consumers, affecting the health of consumers.Car perfume quality, although the volume of domestic products and foreign goods are the same size, but the manufacturing principles is very different, a good product by perfumers use of natural and synthetic deployment into the flavors and spices, after repeated experiments, different flavors added to a certain proportion the vehicle binder enables the incense products emit a variety of wonderful aroma. Good Autocom products are not only beautifully crafted, lasting fragrance, but also kill the bacteria, odor removal. Inferior'll soon smell the aroma. Tip: usually poor quality of the volatile compound products perfume faster, pungent aroma, under sunlight irradiation will gradually become white color, after a period of time, consumers can do the summary judgment accordingly.


Find joy! Accelerated test Ferrari California NEXIQ 125032 HS

The famous Italian sports car brand Ferrari in its 65-year history of development, never its marketing done any explanation. Ferrari suitable for what kind of roads, and almost everyone is clear: the high-performance racing technology, wrapped in the Italian charm exterior driving on the winding road to the embodiment of the temptations and desires of the body, is also a symbol of wealth.
Ferrari California  NEXIQ 125032 in 2008, the first-to-market, still retains the traditional Ferrari gene, but it is time to make some changes. The two-seater sports car set aside the racing technology, lightweight construction, sharp handling performance as well as a huge roar. This time Ferrari California provides a different ride comfort, with the Mercedes-Benz SL and Audi R8 rival. The sound emitted from the engine and two pairs of stacked-shaped exhaust pipe can feel this Ferrari Without it unique aggressive. Proportion to his body with a classic sports car proportion roof used to store huge buttocks is especially pronounced.Two people can be in the closed or open the ceiling under driving. The ceiling increase weight also take up a lot of storage space. Why Ferrari this time do not take the unusual way? This Ferrari president Luca di Montezemelo explained: "We must provide solutions for the ever-changing needs of customers." In fact California has attracted many of the first to buy Ferrari owners, the traditional fans this cautious . Ferrari California launched Handling Speciale (HS) package worth € 5,355, and another group to attract consumers. In this manner, Ferrari future direction will be very clear.
The Ferrari California is equipped with a 4.3-liter V8 engine and 7-speed dual-clutch transmission, it is to 90 horsepower less than the Ferrari 458 italia. This is how much some customers unhappy, even if the car was bought for the mistress of the home, when they touch the steering wheel will still feel some worth. So Ferrari launch of the California model, it adds 30 horsepower. While driving feel, but for some people, the heart will feel "more powerful". This enhances 30 horsepower is obtained by optimization of the airflow and engine internal combustion.
HS version equipped with a V8 engine and California base models. Hanging to a file, light throttle, you can hear the engine slightly unpleasant bass roar. If the step is too heavy, the sound of its roar even louder. However, this represents is not painful, but joy, because the Ferrari engine representatives is inexhaustible power and passion in your every turn, every acceleration. However, with the use of the 4.5-liter V8 engine Ferrari 458 Italia, the California engine is not the kind of overly assertive style, he is domesticated.
Sports car in a straight line and cornering acceleration performance is significantly improved a lot. Brake before the bend, turn, and do not need to make any adjustments, turn the rear slightly placed outside. The driver in the revolutions of 4000 rpm, the completion of this series of actions, can hear the bright metal-like sound of the engine compartment. Only Ferrari can bring so beautiful voice, but the V8 engine is excellent but discreet. The standard SCM damper with a new spring reduces the cornering body roll. NEXIQ 125032 HS in driving accuracy and 458italia comparable. Body weight reduction of 30 kg, but in fact the body strength and engine power are improved. 0-100 mph in just 3.8 seconds, top speed unchanged, at 310 km / h.


How to prevent the Ford Ids Vcm engine carbon deposits

 Coke is produced after the blow-by gas of the fuel and lubricant mixed incomplete combustion deposits. (Main ingredient is a hydroxy acid, asphaltenes, tars, etc.) and the formation of deposits and cars "fuel" and "lubricating oil" is directly related to: the first is due to the "lubricants" blow-by gas contained in the carbon particles, in the incomplete burning a lot more deposition.

 The car itself contain pectin, impurities, or the storage and transportation process into the dust, impurities, etc., accumulate in the vehicle tank inlet pipe and other parts of the formation of sludge-like sediment; Secondly, due to the the gasoline olefin unstable group copies certain temperature, oxidation and polymerization, the formation of gum and resin-like viscous material. These viscous material in the nozzle, intake valve and combustion chamber (cylinder head and the piston top) and other parts of deposition becomes hard carbon deposits. In addition, due to the urban traffic congestion, the car often at low speed and idling state, but also will increase the formation and accumulation of these sediments.
 Japanese and Korean models probably 30000KM should be cleared once a low rpm high torque engines, because the majority of the open type of Japan and South Korea for the emphasis on lower revolutions Driving, carbon deposits on engine power and fuel consumption impact is relatively small. In contrast, Europe and the United States Department of models probably 20000KM should want to clear the time, Europe and the United States Department of the models most in high-speed engine reaches a certain speed into the real power output, mostly in high-speed driving, high speed, tried out the low-speed coke engine is reflected in the low-speed acceleration is more obvious.


The woman driving Reporter:quit bad habits

Through the concrete jungle of the city, all the unexpected situation occurs, a little bad habits, high heels or shoulder hair, may cause unexpected danger, or even turn will make people nervous ...Woman ≠ killer road! Learn to circumvent, a woman can evolve into a perfect lady in the street.Bad driving habits often lead to accidents, car to go to God is one. Men and women wander or have a different look at these, if you often contrast the slightest, you had better pay attention. These bad habits, it is best removed as well.■ smokingSmoking although women are in the minority, but it is still worth talking about, especially on the car's female. Some people think the folders smoke one hand on the steering wheel in one hand while driving, clouds, very "cool". Such "Wonderland" car, "mortal" danger can easily be overlooked.Recommendation: smoking is harmful and do not really want to suck suck at driving.■ snacking, turning bagBeautiful car, snacking, turning bag, wiping noses Mazui, look in the mirror with impunity, which ones to eat which too serious to find what. This will not only easily gained over while driving to himself to entertain the case is not uncommon, easier accident.Recommendation: eat a lot of fat, to play more than a busy car Do not be so tired.■ see dudesCar, Miao Miao street dudes skim the surface like a woman from time to time, look at the guy's mood can understand, but if aWander crash, not only traffic accidents as well as medical malpractice, it is not worthwhile.Recommendation: or concentrate to see the road, after all, the guy on the side of the road others, security is their own.■ vindictiveWith cars, road rage seems more or less been "digging out", not just a man, even a woman also in the car temper becomes large, and see who is not pleasing to the eye, the others would not let her not, others crowded does not work, if other cars are specifically with their own war-like.Recommendation: gas large beverages, calm some.■ car like grocery storeMany women like in the car left a bunch of right bunch of hanging some cute little decoration, looks beautiful, very beautiful, the car flashed accidentally hypnotized asleep, especially rearview mirror before Akira than wiper faster .Recommendation: ornaments can be hung, the less the better.■ Cleaning windowpaneMost women love clean car. Driving a car, it was like to take a look at this Chouchou that glass is dirty and quickly rub, dashboard gray immediately blow on. In fact, if not affect sight unseen road, it is recommended that you still stop the car to get another not too late.Recommendation: this go God the highest rate, the direction of easy partial, it is recommended to drive or do not think Cleaning glass of thing.■ rainy day wearing sunglassesNo matter the cloudy sunny, some women wear sunglasses every day to cool. Dark sunglasses will delay the the eyes visual signals sent to the brain about 0.1 seconds, you 40 yards speed brakes, this out is more than 15 meters, not to mention visual delay will result in a distortion of the sense of speed, more tempting an error of judgment.Recommendation: keep their eyes open, and do not wear sunglasses.■ a cushion padMany women are petite, open the car, so accustomed to pad cushion below in the ass. But such activities cushion slip to slip to the often bow Qufu back the sudden stop, the body with the forging ahead of inertia, cushion slip faster.Recommendation: Non-pad can not be, and must be fixed firmly.■ shawl with long hairLong hair shawl hair will seriously affect the female driving energy focused. In case of an emergency situation suddenly look back, long hair just block the eyes, but also good to go to Pa, very dangerous.Recommendation: put a hairpin car, get off and then spread.■ woman & man talking on the phoneThis habit is not just the men, now more and more women began to telephone porridge pot to the car. Play hit without headphones or Bluetooth, but likes a hand on the steering wheel in one hand and holding a phone, say endless.Recommendation: really busy, buy a Bluetooth.Special note:Do makeup in a moving car, her beautiful little face not only make others distracted, vehicle bumps, those nail polish, Creme, mascara, get into the mouth, eyes very terrible hurt does not pay.Happy StationCoral reef-type "man woman heart and carEarth is too beautiful and mysterious scenery, those who have seen the people will marvel. You may not know that the car they could hold similarities between people.Beautiful scenery: coral reefs --- billion years accumulation, in order to glow so glamorous sceneThe woman is the man to see the coral reef-type ": Some men like coral reefs, has a shiny appearance and elegant deportment woman charmed. However, they are not believers virtual table, good manners training their handsome, rich experience adds to their charm.Woman 'coral reefs "car: who owns the century-old automotive brand in today's increasingly showing not go beyond the charming temperament. Their beauty is not done overnight trend and fashionable from those car body, smell the breath of the past, although they labeled the modern tag, but still no substitute.Road tacticThe traffic jams era urban survival RaidersThe traffic jams era, we can not change the fact that traffic jams, there are always ways to adapt."Hide" tacticThe commuter traffic peak encounter traffic jams chance of accidentally was boss criticized deduction. The simplest and most effective way is to stagger the peak of their anxious on the road, it is better to go to work early since multi-breathing the few mouthfuls morning fresh air; from work late walking leisurely drink tea in the office. Sometimes, dodging everyone smiling, after all, a rules of survival."Around" tacticSome people delve into the spirit, choose the few routes Test contrast, choosing the excellent. Perhaps around a little further, but the actual driving time is shortened. Bypass there is a magic weapon, is to listen to the traffic channel, know which road congestion instant adjustment Driving Directions. So-called about the proper way to be effective."Rub" tacticRub cars Raiders, is not an accident rub method, but rub eat rub drink "rub" method - is to rub someone else's car, a few people and opened a car. In this way, especially for those adjacent to the living, working hours and work location and relatively close friends, they are reducing the car dealers, relieve traffic pressure, but also with sharing fuel costs.

Seven reasons to let a woman completely fall in love with the car

Woman encountered a car when the woman began to fall in love with the car, in fact, may be only a fleeting, perhaps just a little beautiful, she will not hesitate to strike it, and began her story with it. It is used, then what captured her heart? Please look at the film.■ a large enough basketWhen you come out from the supermarket again and again, carrying bags of stuff, streaming with sweat to catch the bus when the heart want what? - Their own cars, obediently stopped at shoppingmall door, you can be chic "shopping" to something entered pendulum elegant drove home, this satisfaction is a woman's greatest temptation.■ a mobile dressing roomOverslept up late? To work late? Lens in movies, mouth to bite a piece of bread, while wearing the jacket walked to the car side, a red light at traffic light junctions, while the side facing the mirror mascara, wiping lip gloss. To the company when everything was settled, look at the table on time! Finally, take a look at the rear car mirror, no problem! Looked up, I was so cool!■ a most comfortable concert hallPut the songs they want to hear, to listen to their favorite radio stations, do own music DJ. Do not like sitting on the bus on the way, had to listen to the drivers over and over to put the 2002 snow ...... jazz or slow roll or mood every day and every moment to pick music. The walk along the road, there is a little bumpy rhythm, seems to be comfortable in a concert hall, carefree, happy indeed.■ A man can rely onSeen "Ashes of Time" will certainly remember Carina Lau stroked her horse in the pool water that lens, fine mind can see why Wong Kar-wai to such a long period of lens to a woman and a horse, no man woman and stayed with her beloved horse together, just like love. Is true for cars, the car is the most assured woman's dependence, is a never betrayed lover, although occasionally stir temper, broke down halfway, suddenly turn off, but never like Ungrateful man dropped the woman No matter, the total quietly in the rain with you.■ as expensive toysWhy I asked a woman like "Beetle" or "Toyota, there are so many people will blurt out" of course, is the Beetle? Very simple woman improper car of the car, just like the men do not put clothes When clothes. The concept of the car in the eyes of a woman is not so much a means of transport, it is better to say that one can also play on the road fashion toys. Big, a bit expensive, but definitely like a plush doll woman heart, put it down!■ a woman moving boudoirIt seems a lot of women, car make life full of poetic, so put the car to his home to cherish. They will spend a lot of time and effort, and the purchase of some of their favorite car accessories, furnishings, inside dressed increasingly highlight the color of hedonism. You can make a comparison very easy to find that the woman's car and the man's car is not the same: the woman absolutely put a lot of men killed are not thought to stuff all moved his car on the car. The woman had a car, it will start to "move": put the same tomorrow, and recapture the same, the passage of time, the original stay boudoir stuff all transfer or copy and paste into the car to go.■ a capital raise their social statusWith the cars woman always willing communicative than a woman without a car, something all right to make a phone call should be to the students, friends to see the side ". Order to fully display the honor of their car. And, with the car of the woman at the party always deliberately was a few minutes late to stop the car in full view, then dashing out of the car to go down to meet their own vanity. Of course, this vanity for two aspects: one is a woman feel before fiddling with the car only men who can operate reflects the capacity and raise the status of the women to prove that they are certainly worth "those who have owned not passbook Lu posters, Hyun will simply buy a car to everyone on the street to see.Happy StationBay-type man let the woman heart and carThe planet is very big, there are too many beautiful, mysterious scenery hiding in the far corner, you may never have can not go to these places, but you have to know the similarities between them with a car, and people.Landscape types: the Gulf --- sustained-release storms, wandering heart heal tired"The Gulf type" man: to have the the Gulf generally broad mind, we must go through the baptism of time. Withstand endless tribulations and trials, the men will understand what "mind", what is "inclusive", what is "reliable". This man looks very calm, and to communicate with them will make you feel good, but you know, this calm behind must be experienced too much does not calm."The Gulf type" car: Almost every woman want such a haven, but this haven only belong to her alone. Both the appearance and performance, it gives the feeling of all - reliable. Sitting in this car, you probably will not feel a strong stimulus, but definitely does not lack a sense of security.


The summer driving -beware of high temperature tire blowout

On the morning of August 14, together in Yingde tragic traffic accident killed three Shunde entrepreneurs Although the cause of the accident is under further investigation, but according to informed sources, the accident cause of suspected sport utility vehicle tire suddenly flat tire car collision led to the isolation belt off direction across the middle of the road after losing control of the vehicle, a driving school instructor.
Reporter learned that, with the advent of high summer temperatures, excessive temperature of the ground easily lead to tire blowout occurs. According to statistics, about one-third of traffic accidents caused by tire failure on the highway, the most important is a flat tire. Current automotive school, focuses on the maintenance of summer tires, cause traffic accidents to avoid puncture.
Reasonable adjustments to tire pressure
Tire pressure is closely related to traffic safety. Determine tire inflation pressure should take full account of the conditions, road conditions, such as high-speed running, poor road conditions and high load and other cases, the air pressure should not reduce.
The owners should be back before the trip tire pressure to avoid vehicle breakdowns, the inflation pressure of the front and rear wheels should be consistent, otherwise driving tire uneven force are easily punctured tires. Automobile highway driving, the tire inflation pressure should be mastered in between 85% and 90% of the normal value, because the car at high speed for a long time, tire friction and heat generated too late to disseminate the increase in air pressure within the tire. Found in the process of moving the tires to overheat, the pressure is too high, the car should be parked in the cool shade, unavailable poured cold water on red, and do not bleed, otherwise it will lead the way to a flat tire and tire early damage.
It is worth mentioning that the key factor in determining the temperature the heat of the tire itself. Therefore, simply using lower tire pressure to ensure that security is not advisable because of the reduced air pressure after the tire sidewall deformation exacerbate the the tire heat cause a substantial increase, but affect the safety. Best timely car parked in the shade, tires, cooling themselves.
Steady driving speed is not too fast
High summer temperatures, car travel time increased rapidly in a short period of time the temperature can easily make tires, tire wear will be higher. Therefore, when traveling long distances for long periods of time, every once in a rest stop about a good habit to cultivate, which can restore the strength and energy, but also check the tire.
At the same time, the vehicle is in the process of moving, non-overloading and speeding. Authoritative data that puncture accident occurred when the car is more than 160 kilometers per hour, the driving members of mortality was 100%. Long-distance travel, the Qualified owners can also tires filled with nitrogen, because nitrogen is not easy to leakage, stable performance by small changes of temperature caused by air pressure. Aircraft tires and F1 racing tires are filled with nitrogen. If the tires filled with nitrogen, which is good for traffic safety.
Timely repair replacement tire damage
Usually pull over as much as possible to avoid the outside of the tire the collision even confronted roadside, it will be very easy to make the tire sidewall injuries hidden cause serious internal wire breakage or rims deformation. If you need to repair the tires, but also standards and norms. Carcass damage, the bead damage can not be repaired, the parts of the sidewall tire flex deformation zone, the best do not fix. Tread parts can be repaired, but the holes diameter generally does not exceed 6 ~ 8mm, repair times should not be too much to allow the maximum number of patches in accordance with the national standards, two, once more than two, the tires should be replaced.
Meanwhile, due to the wet summer, the drainage capacity of the tire tread is also key to affect traffic safety. Tire drainage is not good cause vehicle performance degradation even skid brakes in puddles serious impact on traffic safety. In general, the ribs especially single-oriented pattern of drainage effect is best. If the remaining tire tread depth is less than 3mm, drainage effect is relatively poor, this time to consider replacing the tires as soon as possible is recommended.

New car need to be cautious about antivirus

The sun in the sky, and the intolerable heat. Car owners to withstand the hot sun exposure when the car starts, the high temperature release of a new or used car odor and harmful substances formaldehyde and benzene can not be ignored. The car is less than 3 cubic meters of space, difficult to volatilize the harmful gases, combined with human emissions of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases, in dirty air for a long time, can easily lead to dizziness, headache, nausea. Summer, the car in addition to drug deodorant is imperative!
New car antivirus most need to be cautious
When you open the door of the car and found the smell Chongbi, no doubt, toxic gases of the car certainly has exceeded, which is most common in the new car.
C major flavor! "Ms Lau recently ready to buy a new car about 80,000 yuan, compared to many models finally locked car in mind. But wait until she mentioned the car, the new car is opened, the sense of taste is really smell. However, the sales staff told her, because it is a new car, these taste normal, multi-window, regular clean car in addition to taste, over a period of time to turn away.
As everyone knows, these unpleasant odor is actually a "toxic substances" threaten the health of the signal, such as formaldehyde, benzene and other pollutants as well as the car PVC and other plastic materials, including chlorine is causing serious harm to human health, some even more than arsenic. also toxic.
The new car smell species is one of the problems that plagued many owners. Finally have their own car, certainly like driving to play, but like so hot now a days, are generally very few windows closed in the car, on the body of the poison can be imagined. Currently, the "new car smell" complaints of luxury cars on the market are usually less, while the middle and low models more complaints, particularly in the majority of the local brand models.
Old car smell should not be ignored
Most people have a misunderstanding, that vehicles used for a long time, naturally row over poison gas, used cars do not have to worry about poison gas against. However, some cars even with more than three years, the taste is still very thick.
Mr. Zhou in 2008 to buy an Excelle, did not think more than three years, every time a friend on the bus, or would say, the car smacks too much of very smelly, especially the summer car under the sun after he made very embarrassing. Chow lamented, new car flavor that makes sense, but now so do not know that there are no toxic.
As Chow troubled "odor" problem is still plagued by many of the old owners. According to the reporter, the auto companies to control costs, plus anything up, only car prices drop, thus forcing manufacturers paid great attention to the prices in the procurement of automotive materials, some poor-quality materials manufactured goods into the car, that may arise in the sitting chair leather, plastic case of car audio anywhere. No matter how many years, the poison gas still exists, and with the material aging and other issues, the release of toxic gas less than a new car.
It is reported that due to car pollution caused by automotive materials in addition to the known substances such as formaldehyde, benzene, bromine, chlorine, lead and heavy metals and other toxic chemical materials, these materials related to human health and similar allergies, breathing difficulties, memory loss, damage to the liver and cause white blood and cancer.
Except drug deodorant new method
1 Photocatalyst
Introduction: very popular in the early years of the photocatalyst, 4S stores will be suggested that the new owners do such packages, but mostly Bluff, this method is more suitable for a new car in addition to formaldehyde, but can only work within six months or even a month , and it focuses on the odor, it is difficult to play a bactericidal effect. Currently, the market has called Daylight environmental photocatalyst is settled in Guangzhou, the use of anti-virus "NIKKOCOAT" international high-end air purification products, adhesion area, aircraft in Japan, high-speed rail or bus daylight photocatalyst processing, may waive the five-year sterilization treatment. Daylight photocatalyst can long-term self-loop governance air inside the car, usually sterilization, get rid of smoke, odor, longer shelf-life than ordinary photocatalyst is more popular in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai area.
Price: the ordinary beauty shop and 4S shop charges quite different, the former generally two or three hundred dollars to 4S stores will charge 700 yuan to a thousand. Daylight photocatalyst expensive, highest need more than 3000 yuan.
2 high temperature steam sterilization
Introduction: this method for disinfection of the car interior steam high temperature, 130 ℃, therefore, can be disinfected for car seats, door trim, dashboard, air conditioning vents, carpets etc., basically you can clear the car within the odor, also put an end to the breeding of bacteria, mites. Note, however, this method is a disposable sterilization method, to keep the time only a few months, and prone to aging electrical, instrumentation and plastic parts, and therefore should not be frequently used.
Price: If you choose to, time charges in the 150-300 per month in car beauty shop.
3 Use Air Purifier
Introduction: installed in the car air purifier, car smoke, mildew, human body odor can be removed, the air pollution in Guangzhou City, this air purifier machine, a couple of months we should dismantle the filter inside The net water for cleaning time.
Price: according to the different functions of the various types of air purifiers on the market, the consumer cost from a few hundred dollars to the thousand dollars.
Some simple and easy method of operation
"Vinegar" therapy
Material: a small bucket of water, some vinegar: do not drive when the vinegar is added to the water, into the car.
Role: the water can absorb formaldehyde, vinegar can play a stabilizing role of formaldehyde. Applied to eliminate the smell of a new car.
Evaluation: This method is simple, environmentally friendly and save money, but need to use in the car.
Charcoal adsorption Dafa
Materials: charcoal or activated carbon method: put charcoal into the car any position available. Role: charcoal or activated carbon adsorption odor, Evaluation: This method is simple and practical, to market to buy a few packs of charcoal or activated carbon. This charcoal and activated carbon is effective, but only for close smell play adsorption can play better to consumers unless are placed in various locations in the car before. Generally should be replaced every three months or so.
Coincidentally go with air conditioning odor type
1 into the compartment before the first windows open ventilation, at the same time to open the outer loop, to be the car heat discharged after air conditioning. In some cases air conditioning is turned on, the smell from the air conditioning vent, you can open the outer loop to remove the odor.
Air conditioning, hot air drying method in addition to smell, while the use of air conditioning cycle air flushing air conditioning evaporator side hot air drying with air conditioning, so you can achieve the purpose in addition to smell. Circulating airflow flushing evaporator must use the air conditioning inside the loop, deodorant spray into the vehicle inlet at deodorant for cleaning around with the air flow into the evaporator.

Vehicle air pollution need to be cautious

The tempreture is high, the temperature inside the vehicle parked car in the sun can be as high as four or five degrees Celsius, open the door, you will be surrounded by a wave of hot air, some time ago it was said on the microblogging exposure after the car can be boiled eggs micro-Bo, the recent rise of the automotive air conditioning carcinogenic ", said the car after the exposure will release benzene, produce toxins and carcinogenic to humans. Automotive air conditioning can really cause cancer?
The microblogging Lane "carcinogenic" rumors
Most recent microblogging has been circulating a "car air conditioning carcinogenic", said interior material will release toxic substances benzene, produce toxins and carcinogenic to humans. Microblogging messages issued by the tens of thousands of times forwarded comments soon.
This sensational the microblogging message from friends "Invincible Reiko" long microblogging called "car air conditioning carcinogen - required reading! ! ! . " Microblogging "According to research, the car dashboard, sofa, air filter will release benzene, produce toxins and carcinogens." The microblogging also mentioned: "acceptable level of benzene per square foot for 50 mg. parking indoors and the windows closed, 400-800 mg of Benzene. parked in the outdoor sun temperature exceeds 15.5 ° C, benzene increased to 2000-4000 mg, exceeding 40 times the allowable amount of people just go to the car and the windows closed, you will not be able to avoid excessive inhalation of toxins in quick succession. "
In recent years, the amount of private car ownership is increasing, and coincides with the summer, heavily air-conditioned car. Therefore, this microblogging, the cause of attention, and has made many people panic. Netizen "obviously I 6688", said: "Too scary, home for many years to open the car down, alas, cycling starting next week. The Road Episode - 13 Ink" friends "Niang said:" When I saw these, I do not want to buy a car, buy a equal buy the ticking time bomb. "
Testing Technology Research Institute City Room Environmental Monitoring Station for this specifically to do a test, the test results found the car by exposure benzene content is very small and does not exceed the March 1 "passenger air quality evaluation Directory "by a predetermined amount. The shell network's "rumor grinder" also said, this is a full and there is no scientific evidence to support the rumors.
The carcinogenic said not groundless
Although proven automotive air conditioning carcinogenic rumors, "carcinogenic" says not groundless.
Currently, the production of a car needed, including metal, wood, rubber, plastic, glass and other materials. In the automotive interior part, the most used materials are plastic and leather, which also includes a large quantity of binder. Most of these adhesives contain neoprene, polyurethane and other chemicals, these substances more or less will be harmful to human health, because if the car is a long time in the sun, the car adhesive or plastic contained chemical substances will be due to the reason of the high temperature that comes out, produce, such as benzene, formaldehyde and other harmful substances, which is why a lot of the reasons for the new car will have a relatively strong taste.
Formaldehyde is a destruction of the the biological cell protein protoplasm poison, the World Health Organization confirmed that formaldehyde for teratogenic and carcinogenic substances, is the source of allergy, long-term exposure will lead to mutations.
Testing Technology Research Institute City Room Environmental Monitoring Station test results show that, although the content of benzene exposure after the car is small, but the content of formaldehyde are seriously overweight. The tests results show that the new car sealed formaldehyde content of up to 0.22 mg / m3, driving a car within formaldehyde content of 0.14 mg / m 3. "Passenger air quality assessment under the Guide concentration of formaldehyde shall not exceed 0.10 mg / m3.
Vehicle air pollution need to be cautious
A car air quality researchers said, the interior components of the car because of the different materials will emit different gases. Dashboard, car roof or sofa sponge will release BTEX chemicals, air conditioning duct hang attached will be released, the vehicle fuel combustion exhaust into the car through the small gap, air conditioning will.
Although the automotive air conditioning carcinogenic say "exaggerated and false ingredients, there is no scientific evidence to support the content of benzene or formaldehyde in the air inside the vehicle after the exposure sufficient to cause cancer, but which give the danger alert can not but be vigilant .
Sources said that the car manufacturers used the adhesive had begun to adopt a low toxicity or non-toxic substances to reduce the generation of hazardous substances of the car as much as possible. But how many car manufacturers will stand on the stance of the majority of consumers use this low toxicity or non-toxic substances, and how to do this effect in the end, if they would take other methods to reduce vehicle air pollution problem worthy of our consumption those who wait and see.
In the present case, the car who suggested the vehicle for a long time confined exposure after the public into the car is a good idea to open the window ventilation, such as the release of toxic substances out before air conditioning; same time, in the car, put some activated carbon package can also adsorption of toxic substances.