
Compact SUV promotional efforts big Ds 708

Buick the cora listing, ford XinYi Ds 708 tiger release, GuangQi mitsubishi domestic ASX strength dazzle listed on the stock market by the... According to estimation, the last two months listed SUV models for 10), and most for compact SUV. This year the last two months without market, compact SUV peremptory became protagonist. Reporter survey found that compact SUV has become an important weapon in the hands of the dealer, the end of the year sales war, a leisurely individual character is dye-in-the-wood SUV models is to attract eyeball the best magic weapon.
The influence of new car to market listing no doubt. A recent period of time, many compact SUV listed gathers together, at that time the publicity of suvs, total jumps, the dealer keen smell the opportunity, we are in first time existing relevant models promoted to key popularized position.
Such as qashqai, although already is a new and old models, but in the buick the cora October 10 listed, and dongfeng nissan dealers as the key to promote models. Originally, the industry will price, size a number of coincidence of the qashqai as the cora's main rival. XiSanHuan Autocom    in Beijing a dongfeng nissan 4 s shop, the reporter sees its best booth put a car qashqai, and two months ago, the new sylphy is shown here.
We know that, as of the end of the market sale busy season, and new car sales listed to have very powerful stimulative effect. Recently much money compact SUV listed triggered a consumer attention, also let dealer found the magic weapon of the competition, in order to plunder more market share, dealers are in general price is in 200000 yuan of less than of a compact SUV increased sales efforts.
We know that, as of the end of the market sale busy season, and new car sales listed to have very powerful stimulative effect. Recently much money compact SUV listed triggered a consumer attention, also let dealer found the magic weapon of the competition, in order to plunder more market share, dealers are in general price is in 200000 yuan of less than of a compact SUV increased sales efforts.
We know that, as of the end of the market sale busy season, and new car sales listed to have very powerful stimulative effect. Recently much money compact SUV listed triggered a consumer attention, also let dealer found the magic weapon of the competition, in order to plunder more market share, dealers are in general price is in 200000   NEXIQ 125032  yuan of less than of a compact SUV increased sales efforts.

