
What is car modified and car performance?

1 spark plug: the low-cost, short life to 20,000 km, poor resistance to high temperature, ignition energy of ordinary nickel copper spark plug change for long life up to 100,000 km, resistant to high temperature above 2000 ℃, ignition great capability, but the corresponding higher cost iridium spark plug is an entry-practices. The choice should pay attention to heat value is too low, the engine speed up the weak, too high will result in deposits. Naturally aspirated vehicles Japanese 5 degrees to 7 degrees can be achieved by strengthening purpose turbocharged car by more than 7 degrees better. Note: Average Japanese spark plug with a nominal 5 degrees, 6 degrees, 7 degrees ...... incremental and positive incremental, but the European system such as Bosch spark plug, is just the opposite.
2. Various instruments: inaccurate data transfer, the original car the pointer instrument often can not meet the requirements of the severe modified cars need fine control conditions, it is in need of replacement.
High angle camshaft: valve lift and opening angle, to ensure more combustible mixture into the cylinder and the exhaust smoother.
The main reduction ratio and block gear: Main reduction ratio increased from 1 to 4 gear gear gear ratio encryption, can enhance the acceleration of the vehicle, but the cost of reducing speed. Therefore can be used to increase the year-end banquet, 2 to 4 gear teeth than encryption, 5 sparse to make up for the lost speed gear change.
5. Ignition: original car is usually of high resistance of about 5 kilohms FireWire replacement for low resistance FireWire, the maximum extent of the ignition coil, the energy released reached the spark plug, but must beware sparkover, interference and other symptoms.

