
Exclude high-speed vehicle runout

Car at high speed runout phenomenon: the car at high speeds or when traveling at a higher speed driving instability, swing, and even the steering wheel jitter.
The car's high-speed runout:

A front wheel alignment angle misalignment before the beam is too large;
Second, the front tire pressure is too low or tire repair, etc. causes the dynamic imbalance;
Front wheel blessing change the form of tire bolt varying amounts; Powertrain components installed loose;
Drive shaft bending, dynamic imbalance; front axle deformation;
The, Less reported failure, inconsistent stiffness of front leaf spring; knives frame deformation rivets loose or deformed front axle.
Car high speed runout fault diagnosis and troubleshooting:

First, high-speed runout there are two cases, the increased speed runout getting strong; appear at a higher speed runout. Jitter and cause the steering wheel, the first set up the drive axle, front wheel stopper safety plug block, start the engine and gradually substitutions high gear, the driving wheel to reach the final examination shimmy speed. If the body and steering wheel appeared to shake runout compared to the transmission system. The front axle in a stationary state, reached the final examination runout speed, the car does not appear to jitter, runout reasons Series cars front axle part there is a fault;
Second, check the front wheel positioning angle and come compliance requirements, such as  

Third, set up a try turn the wheels of the front axle, to check wheel static balance and tire deformation is too large. If necessary, replace it with a good wheel comparison test;
Check the front axle, the frame is not deformed, check the drive shaft is bent, conditional should do the drive shaft dynamic balance;
, Check the front leaf spring stiffness, whether the performance as well as spring damper bracket rivets loosening, does not meet the performance should be replaced.

