
The modification of the engine cooling system

The engine cooling system in the vehicle power system plays an important role, and reasonable to adjust and control the cooling system during engine operation on the temperature, so that the various components of the engine is maintained at normal operating temperature, thereby obtaining the ideal power output with good fuel economy. Therefore, car modification to improve performance engine, the modified tuning of the engine cooling system is also essential. 
Referring to the cooling system, we must first understand the influence of the temperature of the engine. The automobile engine working cycle is performed at high temperatures, in which case the engine piston, the cylinder, the cylinder head, the valve member and the high temperature combustible gas mixture contact is strongly heated, then the engine if not effectively cool the mechanical intensity variation while cylinder inflatable coefficient caused decline, causing the engine air-fuel ratio imbalance abnormal combustion. Cylinder temperature will be too high early combustion (burning) in advance of the mixed gas, resulting in a detonation phenomena. In addition, too high a temperature will appear the phenomenon of burning oil, undermine the protection of the oil film, resulting in decreased ability to lubricate also cause severe adhesive wear, cylinder failure.

