
Modified car how to pass the annual inspection?

 Car modification in some fashion the eyes of the owners, is not nothing new. Why modifications, may be the answer to their owners a lot of: personalized, increased power, comfort and so on. Strong automotive beauty shop from an increasingly competitive market, off another piece of cake, why not? Although the modified car business is booming, but they are cautious. Modified their owners in the excitement, but also more or less worry - worry about their car could not pass the annual inspection OFF. Is modified car passed the annual inspection is really so hard to do?

Modification principles: Vehicle Administration responsible attitude, as long as it does not affect driving safety modifications are not prohibited, through annual inspection.

The market reflects: the modified two important principle is safe and practical. Reduce the conversion of leaving the car's safety performance, why spend money on sins it? It is understood that the so-called "modified" is only a junior, for example, add a bumper, rear wing, car stickers, or a change of sound, high-voltage lines, spark plugs, not easily to change direction, brake system for motor vehicles. Therefore, many operators see modified car security should not be a big problem. They do not deliberately recommended modifications, and now it will not do much promotion, but guests are interested they will be happy to orders.

Note: It is the depot modification personnel, car headlights replaced xenon lamp, this modified driving itself is safe, but drivers must comply with night driving distance to the other car about 100 meters far from the light changed to nearly light provisions, so that it does not affect the line of sight of the other vehicles. For added tail, car stickers, surrounded by large, modified car stereo, they basically will not affect the safety of, and therefore can be. As for the open sunroof, due to changes in the structure and the loading capacity of the car at the top, resulting in safety performance decreased, so best not to change. In addition, changes and modifications of the engine are modified, must be applied. The application requires three steps: to the license plate at the admissibility of the engine change, the on-line inspection, inspection agreed to change.


Do not let the "M" idle -BMW GT1 tiptronic transmission

A / MT tiptronic automatic transmission for many people is not nothing new vocabulary, but really really small. A lot of people to buy automated manual transmission models, as ordinary automatic transmission, forward D block in the end, did not used the manual mode, doing really throwaway! In order to be able to make the best use of today just like everyone together to talk about the use of the automated manual transmission skills, do not let the "hand" idle.
In order to make driving easier, people invented the automatic transmission. However, the disadvantages of automatic transmission is also very obvious, upshifts and downshifts are not human control, lack of driving pleasure. So people invented tiptronic transmission, either automatic driving, they can personally experience the speed control in manual mode. But when this, when manually?
Automatic tiptronic transmission mode is the most widely used, which it is no wonder that many people confuse the A / MT and AT. Hard acceleration in urban traffic as long as it does not, you can usually use the D block. This time using the D block will be relaxed driving, especially in congested city traffic, eliminates the need for manual transmission shift frequent start-stop operation, do not need consider slope child from the difficulty. Can be said that this time the A / MT and AT no difference. Let's focus here is the application of manual mode.
Accelerated overtaking skills in manual mode

Let's say for the application of the manual mode when overtaking. People know opened automatic transmission, automatic transmission acceleration the manual transmission gratification, especially when overtaking on the D block, the speed will not you put the pedal to the metal and rapid increases, only the order plus gear .


Little knowledge of the automotive interior refit

Power system modifications

The main purpose of most modified modified car fans in order to improve the surging power of the car! It can be said. On must be modified to replace the spark plugs, spark plugs line and sponge, Fuel Saver, water fuel, horsepower lifters, electronic rectifier and exhaust tubes. Power system modification is the most important car modification. To improve vehicle power.

Steering wheel motivated

When the steering wheel into a racing steering wheel. Rotating more flexible. Car steering wheel is not only high sensitivity and smaller in diameter. Make the car walking more light rapid conversion direction. In addition. And feel better, not easy to slip to facilitate safe driving. Material, usually with a leather-wrapped, two or three of the design, the center of the non-ferrous metal wrapped look sporty. Meanwhile, according to the owners feel different can choose 350mm or 330mm

Flexible racing steering wheel has a lot of advantages. The owners must also realize that a lot of cars in the modified race car steering wheel at the same time. The airbags position is no exception, but in modified while. Airbags play a role in support of the peace will be removed. Since the installation of racing steering wheel all the existing space occupied. Therefore, improved handling owners achieve their goals but potentially safe risks are also increasing.

"Bundling" Ping Ping with

Racing peace with generally demanding. Even the method of use requirements. This peace with both shoulders-fixed. Very much like the shoulders mountaineering bags back in the day-to-day travel. Advance peace with the length of sitting on the seat size according to the owner a good tune is basically no longer adjust, not only data, dimensions, there are strict rules. Plus a cross at the waist. There is no pre-tensioning device. Owners tied after this peace with not so much a system, as it is tied to a chair. This fixed, if the vehicle is subjected to rolling and sliding, the owner will not be because of the violent shaking caused bodily harm.


The car painted construction process

Car painted from a spray gun painting generally accepted argument that The 1893 American the famous watercolorist check invention of the gun, and the first to use a spray gun to paint. Gun painting is applied to the body of the vehicle, the car painted term is born, originally painted the car is actually street painter scrap cars impromptu graffiti.
With the rapid development of the automotive industry, one of the requirements of the automotive appearance is also increasing, the traditional doctrine of models have been gradually phased out, the the automotive appearance of design contains the factors of the era's most popular. The car has been more than just a means of transport, it is becoming a platform for people to express themselves as fashion and jewelry. With the development of society, the pursuit of individuality and self-expression of the desire to be more intense, vehicle modification began to rise, with the personality of the shape and sound system modified car painted by more people of all ages.
Many European and American countries in the 1970s and 1980s, automobile painting had become popular, almost all modified car body are coated with a personality full of painting, including some not adapted vehicles also have varying degrees of body painted.
The car painted now widely promoted on a global scale, and the level of technical and artistic level of the car painted have greater development. Car painted more full of personality, even exaggerated.
The classification of automotive painting
Permanent painting and temporary painted car painted can be divided according to the effective time.
(1) permanently painted
To make the painting works to reside long-term body need before making painted varnish protective layer of the body surface can be polished off, and then use the shelter to shelter do not need inkjet, and the use of special cleaning agents will be painted the body surface cleaning. After the completion of the above preparations, the professionals can begin printing. The inkjet complete again spray varnish, and paint the surface of the painting works, such painting works in the body surface to maintain more than five years. Above this painted method shall be permanently painted.
(2) temporary painted

Temporary painting is in the paint does not destroy the original car under the premise, the use of special paint directly to the body surface inkjet. This pigment colorful highlight the three-dimensional, and the transition of color is natural rich also water proof. In the case of no destruction, bump, painting effect can be maintained from 1 to 3 months, and is easy to clean, the pattern can be replaced at any time. This car painted method is more suitable for the new car show, wedding car painting and body advertising painting.


Snow the driving tires / windshield need pay more attention


Snow driving, the tire pressure is too high will affect the adhesion of the tire; tire pressure on both sides of the wheel also lead to flick braking.

Recommended before going out to check the tire pressure, tire pressure the same to maintain both sides of the wheel. If there is no tire pressure table, comparing the pattern length of both sides of the wheel touchdown.


The windows are covered with snow, affecting sight. Clear the snow on the front and rear windshields, mirrors, and then the road.

If you do not have an ice scraper, duster, umbrella, roof, doors, etc., a large area of ​​snow removal, and then a car permit to shovel out the snow. Car heat, melt freezing outside defogging function. After the windshield of snow to clean up the same, to facilitate observation of the surrounding vehicle dynamics. The roof of the floating snow does not have to bother moving naturally by the wind.


Before driving down the road, the headlights, front and rear fog lights, brake lights, showing the wide lights, turn signals, be sure to check double flash. If you suddenly find the turn indicator light flashes quickly, there is a turn signal bad need of repair.

Brake lights, reversing lights front face after the car through the rear-view mirror observation confirmed by reflective. Of particular note is that even snow during the day, but also open fog lamps, headlamp.


Must wait for the snow and ice on the windshield clear, open wipers. Otherwise, the heavy snow will cause the wipers not work correctly, or even burned the drive motor. Hair mode until the engine temperature, heated front windshield, waiting for wipers naturalized open. In addition, the vehicle overnight wiper blades should be lifted to avoid being frozen.

Before the water temperature is normal, do not try to clean the windshield glass cleaning fluid. Commercially available glass cleaning solution, even if it is marked minus, may also be frozen.


Cold, hot defogging. After the snow out or with hot air.

Windshield mist three conditions - humidity, low temperature, and the windshield is dirty. Engine heat, breathing to increase the humidity of the air inside the car, and the outdoor environment to maintain the windshield low temperature inside the windshield is not very clean, would fogging.


How the correct selection and maintenance of spark plugs

Usually spark plug life of 15000km, long-lasting spark plug life of 30000km. Engine work, the temperature of the spark plug insulator skirt should be maintained at 500 to 600 ℃. If the temperature is too low, the insulator is easy to coke deposition may cause leakage misfire phenomenon; if the temperature is too high, could easily cause preignition and knock.Spark plug failure phenomenon common in use are as follows:(A), the spark plug serious ablation. Scars, damage from the spark plug top electrode melting, ablation are that the spark plug has been destroyed, and should be replaced. Replacement should check ablation disease as well as a change in color, in order to analyze the causes of the failure.(1) Electrode melted and insulator was white. Show that the combustion chamber temperature is too high. This may be caused by overheating of the exhaust valve combustion chamber too much coke, the valve clearance is too small or the cooling device is bad, it may spark plug is not tightened as specified.
(2) electrode round, and insulator knot and a scar on. Indicative of engine preignition may be premature ignition timing or low octane number of gasoline, spark plug heat value is too high.(3) insulator top fragmentation. Knocking combustion is the main reason for the rupture of the insulator. Premature ignition timing low octane number of gasoline, the combustion chamber temperature is too high, may cause engine knocking combustion.(4) insulator top gray and black stripes. Leak, this striped flag spark plug should be replaced with new parts.(B), and spark plug deposits. Sometimes stuck between the top of the spark plug insulator and electrode sediments, can cause severe engine can not work, such as cleaning spark plugs can be remedied temporarily. In order to maintain good performance, we must identify the root cause of the failure.(1) oily sediment. On the spark plug the oily sediment, indicating that the lubricating oil into the combustion chamber. Just individual spark plug, valve stem seal damage. Each cylinder spark plug to stick with this sediment, indicating that the cylinder channeling oil, air filter and ventilation devices should be checked whether the blockage.(2) black sediment. The spark plug electrode and internal black sediment, indicating that the mixture is too thick, the engine running speed can be increased, and a few minutes, you can burn to stay in the electrode layer of black soot layer.


The modification of the engine cooling system

The engine cooling system in the vehicle power system plays an important role, and reasonable to adjust and control the cooling system during engine operation on the temperature, so that the various components of the engine is maintained at normal operating temperature, thereby obtaining the ideal power output with good fuel economy. Therefore, car modification to improve performance engine, the modified tuning of the engine cooling system is also essential. 
Referring to the cooling system, we must first understand the influence of the temperature of the engine. The automobile engine working cycle is performed at high temperatures, in which case the engine piston, the cylinder, the cylinder head, the valve member and the high temperature combustible gas mixture contact is strongly heated, then the engine if not effectively cool the mechanical intensity variation while cylinder inflatable coefficient caused decline, causing the engine air-fuel ratio imbalance abnormal combustion. Cylinder temperature will be too high early combustion (burning) in advance of the mixed gas, resulting in a detonation phenomena. In addition, too high a temperature will appear the phenomenon of burning oil, undermine the protection of the oil film, resulting in decreased ability to lubricate also cause severe adhesive wear, cylinder failure.


What is car modified and car performance?

1 spark plug: the low-cost, short life to 20,000 km, poor resistance to high temperature, ignition energy of ordinary nickel copper spark plug change for long life up to 100,000 km, resistant to high temperature above 2000 ℃, ignition great capability, but the corresponding higher cost iridium spark plug is an entry-practices. The choice should pay attention to heat value is too low, the engine speed up the weak, too high will result in deposits. Naturally aspirated vehicles Japanese 5 degrees to 7 degrees can be achieved by strengthening purpose turbocharged car by more than 7 degrees better. Note: Average Japanese spark plug with a nominal 5 degrees, 6 degrees, 7 degrees ...... incremental and positive incremental, but the European system such as Bosch spark plug, is just the opposite.
2. Various instruments: inaccurate data transfer, the original car the pointer instrument often can not meet the requirements of the severe modified cars need fine control conditions, it is in need of replacement.
High angle camshaft: valve lift and opening angle, to ensure more combustible mixture into the cylinder and the exhaust smoother.
The main reduction ratio and block gear: Main reduction ratio increased from 1 to 4 gear gear gear ratio encryption, can enhance the acceleration of the vehicle, but the cost of reducing speed. Therefore can be used to increase the year-end banquet, 2 to 4 gear teeth than encryption, 5 sparse to make up for the lost speed gear change.
5. Ignition: original car is usually of high resistance of about 5 kilohms FireWire replacement for low resistance FireWire, the maximum extent of the ignition coil, the energy released reached the spark plug, but must beware sparkover, interference and other symptoms.


Experience of automotive shock absorbers modified

Shock absorber works:
A car's shock absorbers in general, is composed of two parts, respectively, for the springs and shock absorbers barrel. The action of the spring is used to support the body weight and eliminate the shock caused by uneven pavement. That since the spring you can "shock", but also shock barrel to do it?
In fact, the main role of the shock barrel is its damping to suppress rebound spring shock-absorbing, and further to absorb the impact from the ground. The hardness of the shock absorbers and handling it?
When the vehicle turns, due to the inertia and centrifugal force, the body weight will shift, faster transfer speed of the vehicle's handling better. This speed is by shock absorbers tensile and compression stroke speed decisions, so that the harder the shock absorbers, the faster the reaction faster steering response vehicles. So how to refit the upgrade?
Modified shock:
First to determine their goals before conversion, will bring different results because of different methods of modification or even a negative effect. Handling extreme pursuit blind shock absorbers set very hard, moving can be said that there is no comfort, and pressure for the tires and chassis. One who modified shock absorbers can be divided into three categories.
1 short spring
Reducing body, the center of gravity of the vehicle is reduced, we all know that the center of gravity is lower and more stable in the car. And lower the body, visual effects and better, we can often see a lot of modified cars, almost lying on the ground, through sex with a certain amount of loss, but very pretty, same a car together, body The low height will be even more aggressive.
There are many ways to reduce body height, generally easiest inputs is also the smallest replace the short spring. The previous article, we have already mentioned, the height of the body is determined by the spring, so only replace the short spring, the height of the body, of course it down. But other short reed manipulated to enhance the most relatively small, mainly manipulation is not much appeal for those riders.
2 Sport Shocks
The original car shock absorber settings is tuned for comfort, is obviously not suitable for us. Be replaced individually short spring effect is not large, and need to be replaced at the same time the match with spring shock absorbers barrel in order to have better results. At this time, a sporty suspension set appropriate.


Exclude high-speed vehicle runout

Car at high speed runout phenomenon: the car at high speeds or when traveling at a higher speed driving instability, swing, and even the steering wheel jitter.
The car's high-speed runout:

A front wheel alignment angle misalignment before the beam is too large;
Second, the front tire pressure is too low or tire repair, etc. causes the dynamic imbalance;
Front wheel blessing change the form of tire bolt varying amounts; Powertrain components installed loose;
Drive shaft bending, dynamic imbalance; front axle deformation;
The, Less reported failure, inconsistent stiffness of front leaf spring; knives frame deformation rivets loose or deformed front axle.
Car high speed runout fault diagnosis and troubleshooting:

First, high-speed runout there are two cases, the increased speed runout getting strong; appear at a higher speed runout. Jitter and cause the steering wheel, the first set up the drive axle, front wheel stopper safety plug block, start the engine and gradually substitutions high gear, the driving wheel to reach the final examination shimmy speed. If the body and steering wheel appeared to shake runout compared to the transmission system. The front axle in a stationary state, reached the final examination runout speed, the car does not appear to jitter, runout reasons Series cars front axle part there is a fault;
Second, check the front wheel positioning angle and come compliance requirements, such as  

Third, set up a try turn the wheels of the front axle, to check wheel static balance and tire deformation is too large. If necessary, replace it with a good wheel comparison test;
Check the front axle, the frame is not deformed, check the drive shaft is bent, conditional should do the drive shaft dynamic balance;
, Check the front leaf spring stiffness, whether the performance as well as spring damper bracket rivets loosening, does not meet the performance should be replaced.


Reversing Driving and parking

In a metropolitan area is hard to find, I believe that many motorists have for myself (on-street parking) skills is not enough a perfect angry, or mechanical car tower (reversing warehousing) failed remorse! Of course, the attitude of self-requirements, be possible to advance driving skills. Negativism but rather a bold aesthetic the pachytene owners, always keep (posture is not a problem, parked crooked it does not matter) to forgive myself. Does not know that the recent traffic penalties addition of a paragraph, it is parked at roadside parking space, the right wheels shall be maintained at less than 30 cm and pedestrian designed Road. Even temporary parking away from the car, the car did not turn off from the road along should not exceed more than 60 cm, otherwise, has been seized and took photos as evidence, will be side-by-side parking provisions into informers.In fact, as long as the master poured into the know-how of the car the letter, I believe the parking inaccurate illness naturally without medication.

 First, remember that on-street parking, regardless of the length of the car grid size, must have rear first-in until smooth!The forward looking Gu angle first alignedSome drivers seem to bother discharged into the gear (R) (reverse gear), a look at the parking spaces before and after quite a long distance, the right to fight the steering wheel to cut into the box, such ignored bodywork width misjudged bound because of the front of the right front wheel is about to hit a road along the left rework. In this way, not the car butt to stay in the slow lane, also was back and forth a few times before possible straight rides at anchor.  

To avoid falling into this dilemma dilemma, we provide several favorable steps and recommendations:A roadside in car must first glide For the parking area, and just standing in the front of the car inside the vehicle parallel.2. Then according to desire this into the seat of the car grid size, to determine the distance between the parallel with former cell vehicles.The visual estimate completed, should be the first rotation of the steering wheel to the right more than half a lap and then start reversing.4 to be the car right front lights swept near cell car left taillight began back positive and Sui the steering wheel to the left.Wait until the bodywork head and tail complete stop into the front and rear compartments vehicle, pay attention to whether excessive protruding revisionist.


Find car exhaust black smoke reasons

Car exhaust black smoke is generally caused by incomplete combustion, many reasons: injector clogging damaged spark plugs, intake air pressure sensor or air flow meter had stolen, or damaged, the oxygen sensor is damaged, the temperature sensor is damaged, the air filter clogging and so on.
Black smoke
The carbody performance: car engine shake, exhaust pipe is not normal sound, while the discharge of black smoke body acceleration feel powerless.

The cause of the malfunction: smoky phenomenon is more common in the carburetor car, this is due to the the carburetor models fuel injection quantity is not controlled by the computer, but by the foot throttle control, in some cases too much fuel the burning discharge car into the cylinders too late, thus causing the smoke we see.
The more produce black smoke Failure carburetor car black smoke reason is more complicated. Such as cold start, the spark plug is not good, want to make a half-day to start the motor, such a product mixture of the cylinder is not completely burned, will naturally have a smoke discharge; or vehicle ignition at the wrong time, in advance or after the mistake will resulting in smoky generated. EFI car black smoke very little, if it emitted smoke, it is mostly the fault is the cylinder body. Off tank "is a common one.
Approach: 1. Carburetor car now basically have been on the old, and should always check the carburetor and other parts of the aging, the carburetor cars is different from the EFI cars, to regular maintenance and calibration, develop good car habit. EFI car to check the tank every 30,000 km, check the spark plugs every 10,000 km, the problem must be promptly replaced.


The car modified knowledge- CVT gearbox works

The automatic transmission fuel consumption and high power weak already well known fact that in order to solve this problem, engineers have tried various methods. For example, the economic model for automatic transmission design, the state of the economic model, the computer-controlled transmission at lower engine speeds, complete the shift to reduce the power output of the engine, so as to achieve the purpose of fuel; same applies to automatic transmission design movement patterns so in the high-speed transmission, the engine desperately to squeeze every drop of power of the engine to improve vehicle dynamic performance. But these are not fundamentally resolve the problem of the automatic transmission of high-power and low-power.

    Because no matter which kind of mode is bound to the will power and fuel consumption in a compromise. So, how can a fundamental solution to this contradiction? Just been born in the 1980s, automatic transmission, or impossible, has now become a reality, the power and economy even more than the manual transmission. What institutions so magical? , CVT continuously variable transmission technology.

 Called CVT, as the name implies, is linear in certain transmission ratio range adjustment drive than theoretically equivalent countless stalls. Its structure is very simple, consisting of two conical disc and a steel chain. Conical disc is the two conical disc combined together to form a disk drive with a V-groove.

The conical disc axially mobile, under the thrust action of the hydraulic the extrusion just the width of the sheet chain in order to adjust the V-shaped groove. When the conical disc is moved inwardly, the steel chain to the center of a circle other than the direction (centrifugal direction) the extrusion of the cone disc movement. Thus, the steel chain driven disc diameter increases, the transmission ratio will change.

  Therefore, no governor can be achieved. Some people may ask, alone just a piece of the chain with the V-groove friction with the move weighs a ton more than the car? In fact, the core technology of the car using the CVT in a steel chain. It is not an ordinary chain. It is the combination of the driving belt by the many special shape of a small steel.


The Audiophile misunderstanding- homemade audio technology

Comes to speaker efficiency and output power of the amplifier to match the problem, I had to cite one example, up to 92dB of speakers, even need to spend to kilowatts of power amplifier can achieve Liangsheng realm, why not? It relates to the orientation of the speaker and amplifier design. To talk about the design of the speaker will lead to a pair of speakers and high efficiency, but large food no ethics reasons why. The combination of modern speaker, speaker unit is a combination of two or more, and some even used the combination of dozens of flagship unit. Crossover design is more complex, due to the large number of units used, in order to accommodate the characteristics of each unit of work, efficiency and correction unit phase, crossover Shao were using small capacitors, resistors and coils, while these parts will consume a lot of power, although the unit of sensitivity and high efficiency, can push it with very little power.

The enthusiasts often a misconception that the amplifier wattage necessarily good force, in fact, the size of the wattage just Amplifier One of the indicators, the most important foot size is the key to see the amount of current it outputs. Have you noticed who only a few kilograms of portable Travel HiFi marked the power in the market there are hundreds of watts it? Would you believe that a only a few large battery amplifier have this capability? Long as you think about it, a few 100 watts of electric rice cookers can cook, you try a few battery can be done? see also blush these manufacturer figures, just some businessmen the Hush head. want. Sufficient current, the amplifier must have a strong power supply, coupled with powerful output stage can only be done when the current is able to cope with the demand of many speaker unit, in order to achieve excellent sound effects, this is the modern flagship upscale Amplifier, only hundreds of watts of output, reason its weight alarming.

Talking about here, you may think, I did not have a large wattage strong current after class, it can be used with any speaker in the world, no to disadvantaged?, You are wrong! There are a lot of people have tried high-current amplifier to push some of the high efficiency of the speakers, but the effect but not as fine wattage and fine current amplifier, why not? This involves the design of the speaker unit, especially those designed speaker 7O years ago, and Those horn-Speaker. That era generally factory produced only a few watts to tens of watts amplifier varieties. Have a high sensitivity and efficiency of the speaker unit design, require little current, only a few watts of power amplifier can be pushed to the loud, while many manufacturers still produce such speakers are JBL KLipsh Lowther, Altec, TAD brand.

 These products are under constant improvement, some not only can only characteristics of high efficiency, but also can withstand a lot of power, but some products can only use low-power amplifier pretty sound, such as Lowther products, if you use some slightly high-power (for example, more than 10 watts) amplifier would be completely lost its unique charm and beauty of speakers from Klipsh (Hodges) only suitable for low wattage voice's power amplifier to drive pretty sound, if you use some The strong current and high wattage amplifier to push it sound only seemed stiff and unyielding, the croaking completely lost its tone and temperament.


Car performance and appearance modifications

Modified dynamic, most should be based on the intake and exhaust-based, that is, the so-called suction pipe and exhaust pipe. Then the ignition system modifications, such as the switch to a better spark plugs and ignition. These two modifications to the vehicles are working smoothly and to improve the efficiency of the engine, can also make the vehicle's gasoline and air mixture after full combustion, and then reduce exhaust emissions, are of great benefit to the use of the engine of the vehicle, often the owners have modified preferred.
Appearance changes more parts
Surrounded and diversion parts. The surrounded and diversion parts mainly play a role to reduce drag, reinforcing the stability of the car. Now part of the owner to install large surrounded not just take into account the aerodynamic factors, but also to play an aesthetically pleasing effect. Defect surrounded by large refit facing traffic problems, because the installed surrounded by a large vehicle height will reduce traffic in Shanghai is not ideal, some potholes in the pavement surrounded by large scratched.
Tail. The tail is also modified to use more supplies, but generally do not recommend retrofitting small displacement cars with tail. Some owners blindly installation of the tail is counterproductive because the tail is used to increase the stability of the body, is very important for large displacement cars, but small displacement the car installation exaggerated tail it will affect the speed. For example, displacement is a small displacement below 2.0 models, while more than 2.0, such as Bora, Golf and other models are not suitable for the installation of exaggerated tail. There are three market tail mainly: First, in the original production of glass steel tail relatively paste together lines of the body. Aluminum alloy tail, people feel more exaggerated, but the diversion effect is good, and the price is moderate, but other material of tail slightly heavier weight than. The best tail material should be said that the carbon fiber rear wing, high rigidity and high durability, and wide range of F1 racing, light weight and is the most beautiful tail.
Wheels and brakes. More stylish wheels the Advanti products, mainly for the mid-range market, the wheels mostly based on aluminum production, although beautiful, but the weight loss aspect slight lack of performance models is a burden . Brake modified models to choose, some basic modification of the vehicle is not recommended braking too modified. If the brake is too strong on the road in Shanghai is very easy in traffic was rear-ended.



How the installation of cheap and easy GPS navigation

After the installation of the GPS, one long-distance by car, never disoriented far away confidently, while in the urban areas, able to cope with the electronic map, and then Luchi owners can easily find an alley , even according to the GPS system of navigation routes quickly and unmistakably arrives want to go to a strange place. 
GPS positioning satellite signal service is free of charge, and the GPS receiver processing systems as well as the cost of electronic map declining There are already some models equipped with a GPS system, the installation of GPS navigation systems generally require 4000-6000 yuan, while most of the GPS every month to pay the cost 50-100 dollars. Car GPS 

 Handheld GPS navigator. The electronic map handheld GPS on the one hand to support the poor, on the other hand its screen is small, less the amount of information displayed is not practical for the owners. 
2, the original GPS navigation system. Many luxury cars as well as domestic high-configured version of the car factory GPS navigation system for selection. 
3, the deputy factory GPS navigation system. There are many professional manufacturers for the automotive GPS system retrofitting. This GPS device is suitable for those who do not have the original GPS models, performance and after-sales service is also good, and the price is not too high, generally only a few thousand dollars, is currently the most popular. 
4, GPS navigation head DIY. If you want the most money, if you are willing to spend the effort to purchase the GPS navigation head connected via Bluetooth or cable with a laptop or handheld computer, composed of a GPS system with Skywalker electronic map, the effect is also very good, and the lowest price, a GPS navigation head only a few hundred dollars, if you do have a Pocket PC or notebook, and the largest single overhead-free. Electronic maps now prices are also declining, the case of promotion as long as a few hundred dollars, and even made a free upgrade, so doing the lowest as little as one thousand yuan can have a professional GPS navigation. Rule # 1, equipped with GPS to save money to shop around and get rid of the GPS is the concept of complex high-tech products, avoid "Aizai. 
2 different GPS suppliers biggest difference is that after-sales service, especially the electronic map, the various electronic map accuracy and update speed is the most critical measure of its product is good or bad. Good under the premise of the electronic map, you can consider buying cheap products. 
City roads change quickly, buy GPS is not a once and for all things, to regularly upgrade the electronic map, so choose a GPS, it is necessary to test the difficulty and cost of this product upgrade maps. Free upgrade can save a lot of overhead.



Parse Toyota 2JZ-GTE engine-OBD2 Scanner Code

The date of production Fairlady Z Series models quickly became popular, Toyota In addition to the the then rage 2000GT outside, also only the Celica a fairly decent product, but is still hard to resist the strong impact of the Nissan, the Japanese auto industry boss pins and needles. Subsequently, the Nissan Skyline GT-R exudes a strong aura stung Toyota's "heart". As a result, in order to get rid of the shadow of the Nissan, Toyota began brewing Supra plan.
Is based on the Toyota Celica from models developed in the 1990s, the birth of the first generation of Supra, powered by a 110 hp (82 kW) 2.5L inline six-cylinder 4M-E engine, whose name was also given as the Celica Supra. However, the first generation of Supra's life lasted only three years due to strong incoming Fairlady 280ZX was replaced by the second generation, in that grim period Supra almost died at birth, the newborn
Fortunately for fans, Toyota's decision makers and engineers have withstood the torture, launched in 1986, the third generation of Supra 7M-GE engine equipped with a 200 hp (149 kW), surpassing Nissan 300ZX a snow before the shame . Supra at this time from the Celica platform, turned and Soarer (Lexus SC series) the same front-wheel drive platform, the name is also independent Supra. However, the 1989 Nissan introduced the third generation of the GT-R BNR32 in the European arena bloodbath national powers, not just on the track shocking people jealous R32 sales performance. So, Toyota decided to build a powerful "heart" to contend that the R32 RB26DETT engine for the Supra.
Finally, in 1992, the fourth generation Supra equipped sets strong 2JZ-GTE twin-turbo engine show in the world. The provisions of the Japan, 2JZ-GTE Japanese mainland version is subjected to a large extent, the seal, maximum power of only 280 horsepower (206 kW) / 5600rpm and maximum torque of 435 cattle · m / 4000rpm. But thus buried deep modification potential, become a reason for posterity constantly sought after. With VVT-i technology in 1997, the maximum torque to 451 Nm. Overseas is not rigidly adhere to the limitations of power, maximum power up to 320 horsepower.
However, due to the form of front engine layout, Supra in the corners of the performance is not satisfactory Even so, still with a strong 2JZ-GTE engine in a straight line on the track occupies a dominant position, rivers and lakes sent the nickname " the king of the straight line. " Supra although not like Ares GT-R "as in the World Series on the bloodbath legendary powers of Europe, there is no local race where continuous aspirations wonderful, but in the years of the contest and the" God of War "can also take a slice . Toyota years of efforts to get a little return, which depends on with life and death and it perish 2JZ-GTE engine.


The difference between the naturally aspirated and supercharged engin

With oil prices rising, and the increasingly stringent requirements of the national emission standards, more and more small-displacement supercharged engine is developed and fitted to most models, while supercharging technology is also More and more car manufacturers seriously.

Them over the past 20 years, the turbo technology is widely used in diesel engines, but with the emissions requirements continue to increase, diesel exhaust particles are still difficult to solve problems in this stage of diesel exhaust and turbo systems.

For the field of car modification, most people today think retrofitting turbocharged naturally aspirated engine is the best way to increase the power. Turbocharger body lower cost, and many stores also more opportunity to come into contact with the modified turbo system that most people are more likely to accept the turbo transformation. And after the installation of the turbo system, the relative power of the original car upgrade really obvious, so many owners will be more willing to own car installation set. 

 Due to the uneven the turbocharger quality level circulation, there is a big brand in Japan, the United States, there are some small label, as well as domestic imitations and "own brand". The price of the kit is very different from 3,5 10000-10000 yuan or less, the owner of the product of choice is also scratching their heads. And various construction techniques and technical capacity of the store is different, so many owners have grave doubts on kit aftermarket car, in the end, after Bahrain How long can, in the end, after Bahrain what damage the engine, in the end to install the product What is the quality, not to mention the owners, even if a lot of their own stores are confused.

 Above that is the distinction between hardware now talk about the difference between "software". In simple terms the intake and exhaust valve angle different design. Why? This involves the engine VE VE = volumetric efficiency. The highest naturally aspirated engines and turbocharged engine VE point design is a completely different direction. Naturally aspirated engine, as the name implies, is a downward movement by the piston, the combustion chamber generates a pressure difference, the outside air is sucked in relatively small angle between the intake and exhaust valves in the range of high VE, to protect the air sucked as little as possible from the exhaust valve to go.


Pay attention when modified Autocom cdp pro " mushroom head"

The modified intake to improve air flow into the lower intake resistance, commonly known as mushroom head according to their own needs and replacement of high-flow air filter. Modified mushroom head, divided into cold air intake and hot air intake. Hot and cold air intake, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, the advantages of thermal intake is shorter intake manifold, intake air directly into the air large high torque performance of the engine to produce more torque and horsepower. The disadvantage is the heat intake mushroom head inside the cabin, the intake air temperature will slightly affect the power of the engine, but for high-powered cars, which lack negligible.
The modified many brands of complex, with the most is not necessarily the best, searching for their car, a modified pieces of their own driving habits is very important. General primary car modification from the intake, exhaust, brush computer, changing the balance rod started this talk about how the optional mushroom head intake. Intake brand mushroom head on the market range of shapes and sizes, you converted fans can easily select.

For cold air intake due to the Changjin gas pipe passing rate inevitably limited, no heat into the air intake directly, but the cold air intake to lower intake air temperature, air density hotter intake to make up for the intake rate short board. As the cold air intake from the lower ground, after rain water, easy dirty, so regular maintenance.
For mushroom head dry and wet said, dry-care cleaning without the use of oil filter, to get rid of the trouble on the oil filter. Directly washing, cleaning, simple maintenance time. Repeated washing, the cost is relatively superior. The advantage of the wet external surface of the layer of grease, dirt, dust can be a very good barrier outside, little better than dry-filter effect. Wet nursing is too much trouble, the need to care oil, more cumbersome. The scourge of riders according to their own city environment and their own need to choose, such as the conversion of Beijing Automotive choose wet mushroom head better, because of the winter and spring sandstorm in Beijing, but also both the spring and early summer Yanghwa catkins, wet mushrooms The head is a better "mask".